Thanks all for the compliments! I am really excited it is finally 'done', I don't plan on doing much of anything lease except fly it.

The interior is from Abby at Flight Line interiors. She is great to work with.

The other question was "How do I like the prop".... It's a tough question. I like how smooth it is. I like the weight, I like the looks. I hate how hard it is to remove the cowl with the nose gear (never thought of that since I was an RV-4 driver previous with no cowl removal issues), and I'm told it is 5-8 knots slower than the blended airfoil Hartzell. Would I do it again? I'd probably go with more speed and easier cowl removal...... But that is just me....

-Mike Kraus
Remove the "chin"

Mike, a friend of mine has the three-blade on his -10, so they made the whole lower "chin" removable with camloks for that reason. Makes cowl removal a cinch.

Yep, even with his 300 hp, my 260 hp -10 is 7 knots faster with my blended airfoil Hartzell:)
N62DN painted, wheelpants on

Construction began in February 2006, first flight in August 2010, but the last 220+ hours of flying have been without a paint scheme. John Stahr of Eugene did the amazing paint job expressing my design of a northern hemisphere view on the left side and southern hemisphere theme on the right side. Come see it in Homebuilt Camping at OSH Sun-Thu to appreciate the details!

Details of the completion: O-540-B4A5 engine (235 HP) - does well with autogas, MGL Avionics Odyssey with RDAC instrumentation, Garmin 430W, KT76a Xpdr, Garmin 340 audio panel, Trio autopilots, Trutrak Attitude Indicator, a few steam gages, Aerosport interior. Old-school Hartzell prop, vibrationally-matched to engine to earn 25 hr fly-off.

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Looks great Doug! Looking forward to seeing it at Osh. While you were flying it unpainted, did you have all the fiberglass sealed on the outside?
Sealing the paint


I did apply primer (water-based Stewart Systems gray) with a paint gun to the exposed cabin top and cowling fiberglass. The wing-tips were all gel-coated and protected originally, so I did nothing. Otherwise, the plane would have looked like spumoni ice cream - pink doors, green cabin top and cowling, blue superfill. I didn't have the wheel fairings or pants on till this week - rough fit before painting, just installed them this week.

N37CP completed

Yesterday we put the finishing touches on our project after 2 years of full time building. Next week we will have our inspection and hope for a first flight soon. The interior consists of mostly Aerosport products including their new seats. The finish was done using Jetglo, which took us 3 months of with the assistance of our friend and his elaborate paint booth, which was only available on the weekends.
[/url]IMG_2758 by Bill Peyton, on Flickr[/IMG]
[/url]IMG_2762 by Bill Peyton, on Flickr[/IMG]
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Very Nice.

Good job Bill!!!!

i like the interior color, panel and switches ;)

Glad to see you are so close. The light is getting bright at the end of the tunnel!

Will be waiting to see pics in the "trip right ups" section in a few months

It's a real beauty, very nicely done.
Looking forward to meeting you and your airplane sometime.
top notch!

You are going to love it!
Looking forward to seeing it in person.
Let me know if you have any questions with your avionics setup?
Be careful Bill. Having a really nice interior is dangerous. You spend all your time staring at your stuff and sniffing leather. I'd suggest taking a picture of an old bonanza panel and tape it in front of yours. That'll keep your eyes out the window.
Beautiful. Dang, I wish I could spend more time working on my project. All this inspiration is getting to me.
Be careful Bill. Having a really nice interior is dangerous. You spend all your time staring at your stuff and sniffing leather. I'd suggest taking a picture of an old bonanza panel and tape it in front of yours. That'll keep your eyes out the window.


I'm anxious to have that problem. Parts started heading to the painter this weekend and I'm hoping to have it all back together before Thanksgiving.

Thanks for all the compliments and most of all, support along the way.
I just returned from the airport. She started up immediately and ran great! No leaks so far!
Mark Steffensen

Guys, I am trying to locate Mark Steffensen. He built 888FF RV-10 and a few other RVs I believe. Would anyone know how I might find him. The last address I have is Milton, GA but there is no phone listing for him there. I'm just trying to find out the kit number of a RV-8 wing set.
I would really appreciate any ideas!
Thanks very much,
N556G is Airborne!

So happy to announce that our RV-10 is airborne! August 27th was the official first flight date. My dad, Lynn Gooch, and I spent 3 years and 8 months on the project. It was worth every minute of it. This thing is awesome. It flies great, it's comfortable and it's fast. It's the perfect family machine. Equipped with custom air conditioning, Garmin 430, KX-155, MGL Voyager with MGL autopilot servos, dual Tosten grips with aileron and rudder trim, panel-mounted Ipad and a 250hp Lycoming O-540. I want to thank all the folks who post on this website for creating such a vast knowledge base. Thanks to both of my parents for supporting this project from day 1. Thanks to God for giving us the means to accomplish this goal.

Merry Christmas,
Joel Gooch








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Congratulations Joel!
Beautiful looking example. My dad and I built ours, and I agree, it was worth all the time it took and all the time we spent together. Have fun with your phase 1.
Very nice lookin ten, congrats. David his first flight was in Aug. , he very well could have his hrs flown off by know.
We really like the MGL. Some of the latest updates have made it much easier to operate with an external nav source like a Garmin 430. The integrated autopilot is very nice and gets better with each update. The synthetic vision makes flying instrument approaches easy. I usually leave my engine page with a synthetic vision background and flight instruments up as my main page and use the Ipad as my moving map. The MGL maps are probably my least favorite thing about the efis. Overall, I'm very happy With the product.

It must be a...

...beautiful thing to see your hard work get that finishing touch. Looks great! Enjoy it.
Just beautiful!
It's a fantastic airplane and looking like that it is even better.
More pics please.
Very nice!

I'm putting mine together at Kemble but it will probably be another year - I work overseas......

Maybe next year's LAA rally!
Amazing RV-10 art work!

Have you guys seen this? I know this is art and not a real RV-10, so it deviates a bit from the intent of this thread. But this is such an amazing piece of work, I hope it's okay to post it here. I put this on facebook and it has been a big hit, so I thought I'd share it here, too. I must emphasize, I don't know this artist, I'm not trying to promote anything. It just really struck me as an amazing piece of work, and I thought I'd share it here. This guy does these amazing 3-D chalk drawings on sidewalks. His work can be found online, just google his name. This one looks like an RV-10 climbing up out of the abyss, busting through the concrete sidewalk! What do you think?

Well, that is awfully thin concrete he's flying through. He should try the strato-granite cloud I live near.

By the way, Chaz, very nice. All these completions are starting to drive me.
Here it is, finished as far as the paint shop is concerned, ready to be wheeled out for its first glimpse of sunlight.

Although this is the "Finished RV 10" thread, these things are never really finished--------but I sure am finished ------for the next few months at least.

More here, including a link to more photos of the entire paint process.


Ten bonus points if you can identify the plane in primer behind ours.
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Is it a Sonex?

Here it is, finished as far as the paint shop is concerned, ready to be wheeled out for its first glimpse of sunlight.

Although this is the "Finished RV 10" thread, these things are never really finished--------but I sure am finished ------for the next few months at least.

More here, including a link to more photos of the entire paint process.


Ten bonus points if you can identify the plane in primer behind ours.