HI our rv120059 rego 19-7518 took to the air under the controls of gerard lappin late november on landing he said what a fantastic aeroplane flies like a dream so thanks to gerard now up to 11 hours and all is going great
ashley and wendy victoria australia

Hey Ashley, congratulations on the first flight of your RV12. That would make you the 2nd '12 to fly in Aus. Will come down and say G'day one day soon. Great job!!:);)
HI our rv120059 rego 19-7518 took to the air under the controls of gerard lappin late november on landing he said what a fantastic aeroplane flies like a dream so thanks to gerard now up to 11 hours and all is going great
ashley and wendy victoria australia

Congrats Ashley it is far more attractive than when we shipped it! I have borrowed the picture for our shipping gallery page we are about to launch.
G-RMPS flies

Serial number 120033 finally made it into the air yesterday, with a flight test-pilot at the helm.

Zero degrees, and ice all over the taxiways and runways made ground handling below 20 knots difficult, due to the requirement for differential braking for steering. Otherwise calm conditions made the first flight possible.

Initial indications are that the plane performs to the numbers. I set the prop pitch to get just under 5000 rpm on the ground. Resulted in full throttle cruise at 5500 rpm. In a dive the 5800 max rpm coincided with Vne.

Nothing leaked out and nothing worked loose, or fell off. Hurray for Loctite ;-)

I understand there's probably no need to adjust the flaperons for hands-off flight, though there may be a need for a little rudder trim.

Pictures to follow...

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congratulations on your achievement have a great time flying it I have just finished my 25 hours and all is going well
Another RV-12 slips the surly bonds

RV-12 #120247 became a real airplane on Feb 6, 2011. It is the third RV my wife and I have built, and we had a little family reunion of the birds. My wife made up online photo shows for these events, including an air-to-air photo shoot with the RV-7A:

First flights: http://www.photoshow.com/watch/yF2vr9Cn?language=enu

Air to air photos: http://www.photoshow.com/watch/dy7Qx3yj?language=enu

RV family reunion: http://www.photoshow.com/watch/rn2dF6mM?language=enu

-Dan Masys
Congratulations on your first flight!

Nice job too - The plane looks great, and the photo shows are excellent.
RV-12 #120247 became a real airplane on Feb 6, 2011. It is the third RV my wife and I have built, and we had a little family reunion of the birds.

Dan, since you've been able to fly all ends of the RV family (except for a -3), how does Skwimbird hold up to the others?
G-RMPS in the snow

Finally got around to posting a picture, orginally shot by our resident hangar-rat-with-a-camera, Wallace Shackleton, who just happened to be around when my bird got airborne.


The picture was used by the UK Light Aircraft Association's magazine, as an inset on their cover page for this month. I'm expecting a full article on the build and subsequent test flying will appear in a forthcoming issue.

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Keith my Dad sent me some scans of the LAA mag today - AWESOME!!!

My build is on hold right now as I'm in the UAE working but hey at least it means tax free cah to fund the remaining build asand when


PS I've lost you direct email following a MacBook and floor cleaner incident
Dan, since you've been able to fly all ends of the RV family (except for a -3), how does Skwimbird hold up to the others?

Each of the RV's has a different character, but they are all superb flying machines.

The RV-7A with a 200hp engine is a bit of a wild child whose acceleration pushes you back in the seat, and it rockets up at 2000 fpm and cruises at 175kts. Very flickable airplane that loves doing aerobatics.

The RV-10 is a homebuilders Cirrus - heavier on the stick than the 2 place RVs, stable, but very comfortable and spacious for long cross country flights -- up to 700-800 nm in a single leg for this one, which has aux tanks. Climbs to 20K+ feet and loves to cruise at 170kts in the mid-teens - 14-16,000 feet.

The RV-12 is amazing quiet and seems not to be working very hard as it floats off the ground. As responsive on the stick as the -7A but without the sense of a big heavy engine up front. Floats more on touchdown and in a wind has to be flown all the way to shutdown. Great spacious sense of openness in the bubble canopy and low belt-line. Only have a few hours in it so far, but it is an amazingly low workload airplane.

They all fly like they have rack-and-pinion steering -- responsive and well balanced without being twitchy. Great airplanes, all!

Finally got around to posting a picture, orginally shot by our resident hangar-rat-with-a-camera, Wallace Shackleton, who just happened to be around when my bird got airborne.

The picture was used by the UK Light Aircraft Association's magazine, as an inset on their cover page for this month. I'm expecting a full article on the build and subsequent test flying will appear in a forthcoming issue.


Congratulations, Keith! Can you send me the original photo of your plane for the Photo Album? You can just attach it to an email to me at:
[email protected]


RV-12 #120247 became a real airplane on Feb 6, 2011. It is the third RV my wife and I have built, and we had a little family reunion of the birds. My wife made up online photo shows for these events, including an air-to-air photo shoot with the RV-7A:

First flights: http://www.photoshow.com/watch/yF2vr9Cn?language=enu

Air to air photos: http://www.photoshow.com/watch/dy7Qx3yj?language=enu

RV family reunion: http://www.photoshow.com/watch/rn2dF6mM?language=enu

-Dan Masys

Dan, you have some great photos in these PhotoShow's! I would like to include a couple of them in the Photo Album.

Could you send two of them to me? Just attach the jpg files to an email to me at: [email protected]

One photo I especially liked was #31 in your Air-to-Air PhotoShow. But any shot that shows off your paint scheme would be appreciated. A second, close-up photo of you or you and Linda at or in your plane would also be great. (But I will gratefully accept any photos you want to send!)

Thanks a lot!


PS Your first flight was at what airport?
Me too

After all the negative comments when the "yellow" prototype first emerged it is interesting to see how many folk have yellow in their color schemes ;-)

Another RV-12 flies in Australia

On Saturday March 4th my 18 month project became an aircraft when 19-7543 took to the air on its maiden flight at Ballina NSW. John Gardon, local flying instructor and experienced ?7 pilot slipped out between showers to do some taxi tests and a possible first flight. After a clean start-up and taxiing to the far end of the runway, checking rudder and brake behaviour, John felt it was ready to fly, wheeled it around and took off. The audience heard the power go on and when it came into view he was already airborne and climbing smoothly. The aircraft was well over 1000ft by the time it reached the end of the runway. After a 40 minute checkout John returned just beating a gusty heavy shower.

Johns report was that the ?12 performs exactly as advertised, and we shared the RV grin. Thanks to all the local aeroclub members for their encouragement and help. Special thanks to prospective co-pilot Joan for her support and acceptance of my fellow aviators with their unusual passion.

You can see some pics at

First Flight

On Saturday March 4th my 18 month project became an aircraft when 19-7543 took to the air on its maiden flight at Ballina NSW. John Gardon, local flying instructor and experienced –7 pilot slipped out between showers to do some taxi tests and a possible first flight. After a clean start-up and taxiing to the far end of the runway, checking rudder and brake behaviour, John felt it was ready to fly, wheeled it around and took off. The audience heard the power go on and when it came into view he was already airborne and climbing smoothly. The aircraft was well over 1000ft by the time it reached the end of the runway. After a 40 minute checkout John returned just beating a gusty heavy shower.

Johns report was that the –12 performs exactly as advertised, and we shared the RV grin. Thanks to all the local aeroclub members for their encouragement and help. Special thanks to prospective co-pilot Joan for her support and acceptance of my fellow aviators with their unusual passion.

You can see some pics at

Hey Rod Congrads on your First Flight there mate! Now all the hard work is Done Now comes the Fun!! Cheers!
N564AJ First Flight

RV-12 N564AJ took to the air 3-11-11. The flight went really well and the plane flew just as it should. It needs just minor adjustments.

Thanks to Van's for an incredible kit, to Mike Seager for excellent transition training, and especially to my friends in EAA Chapter 1300 for their friendship and encouragement.


I need to thank DR and you early builders as well. Your posts here on VAF, and photos made this project go all the more faster.

I look forward to crossing paths with you.

I'm still excited a day later!
Hey Andy - -

On your way to flying it to OSH, you can stop in Iowa for some gas !

( MOGAS - that is ) !

John Bender
Congratulations Andy! Well done!
It's a nice looking airplane. I'm sure it will bring many hours of pure fun.
Starting mine this fall. Gonna' order the first four kits together (saves some coins on shipping).
Congratulations on all first flights (so far) in 2011!

Congratulations to:

Keith Boardman (#74)
Dan & Linda Masys (#75)
John Peck (#76)
Rod Clark (#77)
Andy Johnson (#78)

- for your first flights!

Also, congratulations to Kevin Quirk for your first flight on 19 Oct 2010 (#62)

You have all been added to the Photo Album! All the photos look great!

To: Dan & Linda Masys: You have great photos of your plane on the web, but I can't figure out how to copy any of them. Please send me a few pics to my email ( [email protected] ) if you would like to show your plane in the Photo Album.

There are two more first flights that I am aware of, but I have no date of first flight. They are:

Larry Baker, Watsonville, CA
Wander Azevedd, Brazil

If they or anyone else has details about their first flights, please post here or send to me at [email protected] Thanks!

Thanks for all the photos and info from everyone!

Two new photos posted


Two new RV-12 photos have just been posted:

David Lawrence's plane has a beautiful new paint job (35th 1st Flight)
Tony Tessitore sent a pic of Karen and himself at Jefferson Co. Airport (39th 1st Flight)

Two photos of Dan & Linda Masys' RV-12

Thanks to Mark Smith for sending me photos of Dan & Linda Masys's new RV-12. Mark produced screenshots from one of Linda's videos, which I was able to crop and convert to jpg files.

Dan & Linda, your plane looks great!

Mutha's RV 12

Well, one way to get your mind off a trashed airplane that now sits in a hangar somewhere in Florida awaiting insurance to run it's course, is to go fly a brand new RV 12.

I built this plane over the course of 1 year as a speculative venture and sold it to Mr. Corbett Caudill. Corbett and I have been going thru the Production Acceptance Procedures together for the last few weeks and the plane has been ready to fly but first Sun n Fun, then Wx has gotten in the way.
This morning I took the RV 12 up for about 3.5 hrs over the course of 2 flights.

My impressions of the RV 12 mirror what others have said. It fly's like every other RV........beautifully! Wow! What a view! A very simple, easy to fly, easy to build , easy to land aircraft.

RV-12 #120333 weighed in at 748 lbs include every concievable option sans the 2nd Dynon display, and paint.

Looks like the prop might need to be re-pitched as the 5500 rpm cruise speed
appears to be about 10 knots to fast. Oh well!

Every aspect of the RV-12 project was a joy! If I didn't already have an RV-8, I'd build a 12...............oh wait a minute...........hmmm.
A belated post of first flight for N523GT, August 13, 2010, (Friday the 13th). Based at L35 in California.


This is a photo from April 10, 2011, just got it back from the paint shop.
Kit 230 Has Paint

First flight was in October, 2010 and the painting was completed in January. Thought I would share the results.

Great looking paint job.

Please pardon my asking, but, who did it? Where are they located?

Thank you in advance.

The painting was done by Kracon Aircraft Refinishing in Lincoln, CA. Cost was about $8500 and product used was JetGlo.
The 100th RV12

N312E took to the air from Shade Tree Airport just north of Gulfport Mississippi last Tuesday afternoon. A sleepy little airport where aviation is still the way it used to be.

Finished by Sam Sulliven and I for Ed Burdick, Canyon Lake TX.

Over KGPT, about 10 miles south of Shade Tree Field.

Over the barrier islands of Mississippi...

Van's press release...

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SN: 120004 took to the sky today, 04/23/11

SN: 120004 took to the skys today, 04/23/11 at Blairsville, Georgia (KDZJ). This was my 2nd RV-12 that I have finished, this time for a friend Jim Clack of Blue Ridge Georgia. The kit was started some time ago by another EAA chapter member but was then sold to Jim Clack and I helped him finish it. Ben Bradley my partner in our 1st RV-12 (sn: 120141) did the honors of the 1st flight. The only difference in the paint scheme was that we put Jim Clack's old Army unit on the tail this time.

Jim Olson
Blairsville, Georgia
[email protected]


Here is a photo of both RV-12's side by side.

Jim Olson & Ben Bradley, N126BJ sn: 120141
Blairsville, Georgia

Jim Clack, N912CJ sn: 120004
Blue Ridge, Georgia

WOW Dam nice looking Aircraft there Guys..!! Will look great in formation or playing Shoot 'em Ups..LOL