
Well Known Member
My engine came with a starting vibrator :eek: I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried! After some research, I leared this is an external replacement for the impulse coupler.

Ok for those of you on this list who've heard this joke and it's old :rolleyes: Where do I connect up my starting vibrator? My left mag has a p-lead and a lead called Retard. My right mag has a p-lead and a two wire molex (no indicators). If it helps, While this is Lycoming engine, for some reason the factory installed TCM Continental 200 series mags. I can get an exact serial number if you need it.


My old Mooney O-360 had the "shower of Sparks" ignition. If I remember right you will need a special switch. With the switch turned to the "start" position it energized the shower of sparks, then you had to push in to engage the starter.
My SoS system doesn't have the internal relays to enable SoS without the starter engaged. So I dont need that. I will have to continue cranking until the engine makes idle RPM. I'm also not a fan of the starter key/switch. I'm going with dual three-position toggles. The second link I gave above has this as the second to last diagram. Externally the switches work out as follows:

LT Mag RT Mag

Start is wired to the BO(shower) and starter. Both switches are MOM-OFF-ON DPDT and are wired such that the starter does not engage unless the right mag is in the off/start position. It's a pretty cool wiring, and would work well for normal mags as well.

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My LYC 0-235 on a Piper Colt (PA-22-108) had a SoS hooked to the left mag at the "retard" terminal. Through the firewall there were 3 capacitors (ignition supressors), one each for the left and right p-lead, and the center was the SoS going to the afore mentioned "retard" terminal from the vibrator mounded under the panel.

The p-lead nuts on my very old mags are 7/16 thread diameter and the SoS nut was 3/8 thread diameter so one couldn't get them on the wrong part of the mag. I think the pitch was 56 on all three (pretty fine).

I ended up, after refurbishing the plane with a 0SMOH engine, removing the SoS vibrator and using the left impulse only. Works great. The center lead now is secured on the forward side of the firewall with no connection behind. There is a cap over the "retard" connection on the magneto.

The SoS is intended to give a "shower of sparks" from the vibrator during cranking for easier starts. ...Worked great, but is not really necessary with the impulse coupler or, better yet, some kind of modern magneto of your choice.

I noticed ACS has vibrators for sale. Anyone want one for your bed or easy chair? :eek:

BTW, the totally refurbished Colt is signed off and is for sale. I need the money for a GRT EFIS, SL-30, FWF kit, TS A/P, blended airfoil prop, ... Send me an email if you know anyone interested. Please, please do!

Don Gray
N17QB 7A in progress
[email protected]