
Well Known Member
Hi guys and gals!
I am planning a trip to the Bahamas in Oct(dates are flexible) and was wondering if anyone might be interested in making the crossing together?
My thinking is meet in Ft. Pierce or West Palm and make the crossing to Freeport(roughly 70nm) clear customs and then be free to go where you like.
My wife and I will most likely spend a night or twoat Treasure Cay and might do some day trips Island hopping. And meet back up at Freeport and cross back to the USA together, Have the comfort of other people to cross with but still have your own vacation :D
What do you guys think?

Hi Kirk,
What would the possibility of doing it the first week of November be? My crop-dusting season almost always goes until the last day of October, defoliating cotton.

Bahamas trip

I've made the trip twice before and expect to do it next week again. I wouldn't call my self and expert, but unless you intend to spend your first night where there is no customs, I don't see the need to go to
Freeport first. Fort Pierce is a good place to depart from and an even better place to return. There are only a few minutes during the flight when you can't see land. But once you see Grand Bahamas island then you can always see islands at least as far south as crooked island (as far south as I've been).
When I've been before, I was very happy to be out over the ocean since the afternoon thunderstorms were building behind me in Florida.
And I might be interested in going too.
Sorry to give you advice if you're an old hand at going there.

Hi Kirk,

Can't make it this year -- RV-7 not done yet -- but if you do another one in 2008 I am with you!
Thank You for the Advice!!

No by all means I am very appreciative of any and all advice, this will be my first trip over there and I only thought of clearing customs in Freeport so any and all RVs that are going could Takeoff and land at the same place and then head off for where ever they would like to go, Kinda like a rally point :D
Anyway I would love to have the company going over and coming back I have come to find RV people are a awful lot of fun to hang around with!!
What do you guys think I am wide open on the date and even thought we might be able to snag some people for some deep sea fishing over there :D

I'm in for the deep-sea fishing.........also some incredible scuba diving in those crystal clear Carribean waters. Shark feed spectatin' too.

Hi Kirk,
Include me in your list.
I made the trip to Freeport a few years ago in my Cherokee. Sure looking forward to doing it in the RV. I'm planning on flying out there later this month to do some scuba diving.
Treasure Cay has customs also

Kirk, It sounds like a great trip. I can't go this year, but hopefully next year at that time I will be flying my 8A. Donahue is right. There is no real need to stop in Freeport. Once you cross the Florida Straits, about 15 minutes out of sight of land, you will see West End, Grand Bahama Island and then Freeport. Just follow GBI southeast and you will soon see Abaco just off the eastern tip of GBI. Treasure Cay has their own customs (very laid back, no problem mon). It is a great destination. Incredible beach, nice marina area and friendly locals. Back when I went there several years ago (in a spam can) there was no fuel at Treasure Cay, so you might have to stop back at Freeport for return fuel. You can also file an international flight plan there in person. Ft. Pierce is definitely the best spot to go from and return to. They rent rafts and have great information. I am jealous. Save me a spot for next year.
Hello Kirk,

We just completed a trip to the Bahamas....not in an RV....but we fly an old RV....a Swift. Much the same type of aircraft.
A few things I learned.....
Fort Pierce is the best place to go and return from the trip. Very general aviation friendly and great with help. They rent rafts and vest...a little expensive but good equipment. They also help you with all of the paperwork...both for the Bahamas and for Customs when you return. Very expensive...$5....for all of the paper.
We flew into Marsh Harbor on Abaco....great stop...gas about $5.35 and very easy/friendly customs. You can get your island flying permit there.
I would suggest the book on flying the Bahamas...published yearly that has all airports and things to see, stay, and do. Cost is about $60. I am in Brazil now so I do not have the info on how to order.
This book also contains check list for things you need both going and comming from the Bahamas. Very complete.
The Bahamas official requirement is for you to have a radio station license and operators permit for you aircraft radio....cost is about $160....I have found that no one is ever ask for these..and most people do not have. I spent the money...but would not do it again.
In general...with just a little planning the trip is VERY easy. I had a lot of aprehension before the trip....but it was based on not ever doing it. It is super simple and very enjoyable. I hope to do it yearly.
I hope this info helps.

Thank You Guys!!

Thanks Guys for all the info, I really do appreciate it :D As of now I have called and gotten info on a couple of different hotel and when I get a chance will post up what I find.
I really think this could be a great trip for anyone thinking of going(plus makes me feel better to have some other RVs to fly along with :) )
Like I said anyone who thinks they would like to go just post here and then we can figure out a date that would suit. And as far as I am concerned we could meet in FPR fly over together and when we hit the Islands My wife and I are heading to Treasure Cay, and everyone else is welcome to go with us or head to their own Island of choice :D
But I did call and got some info on a RVers only fishing trip, so might be neat to meet up and do that. Anyway I will keep people posted and if anyone has any other ideas I am all ears!!
Hurricane Season??!!

You might want to give some thought to Hurricane season. It will be in full swing and could ruin your trip. We lived in Florida for 8 years and dealt with many.

We flew to Grand Turk this spring with a Gaggle of RV's and had a blast. It took a fair amount of planning. The point being that with everyone trying to schedule time off for a specific time period, then to get nixed by a big one well....You would then lose deposits on hotel rooms and any extra activities you might have set up. (Diving/fishing etc.) You might be fine and have no problems but it is worth considering.

Remember that insurance requires you to MOVE your plane out of a hurricane's path. I love that one. Afterall why should they pay for and act of "nature" :confused:
End of October, early November should be not be a problem with hurricanes. Very few form at that time of year unless we get into a very active year. Peak time for hurricanes are Aug/Sept.

Sorry Guys things got busy and it did not work out for Oct, BUT my wife and I are still ready to go! We were thinking of trying again this early spring before it gets too hot. So stay tuned or feel free to offer up a suggestion for date we are flexible MON:D
Hi guys and gals!
I am planning a trip to the Bahamas in Oct(dates are flexible) and was wondering if anyone might be interested in making the crossing together?
My thinking is meet in Ft. Pierce or West Palm and make the crossing to Freeport(roughly 70nm) clear customs and then be free to go where you like.
My wife and I will most likely spend a night or twoat Treasure Cay and might do some day trips Island hopping. And meet back up at Freeport and cross back to the USA together, Have the comfort of other people to cross with but still have your own vacation :D
What do you guys think?

Looks like a go for me too. Pfantom....RV-7 Galore

Put me on the list. We had a trip planned for late April 2008 but the other RV'ers had to back out for one reason or the other and I didn't want to go it alone. We were planning on Grand Turk as a final destination.

Ordered the 2008 Bahamas & Caribbean Guide for Pilots this morning.

Austin, TX
ok guys

ok guys,
so far I think we have 3 RV-8s a 7A and a 10 on the list!
I will post something soon, right now it looks like we are going to shoot for a date coinciding with Sun n Fun. I am going to start hunting for deals on a nice group of rooms, and am still thinking of meeting at FPR and fly over together and clear customs and depending on what the group wants maybe hop the islands or stay put and relax. Point being make it a great trip and still try to keep it reasonable cost wise.
I will be posting more info soon, always open to ideas!!!!
ok guys,
so far I think we have 3 RV-8s a 7A and a 10 on the list!
I will post something soon, right now it looks like we are going to shoot for a date coinciding with Sun n Fun. I am going to start hunting for deals on a nice group of rooms, and am still thinking of meeting at FPR and fly over together and clear customs and depending on what the group wants maybe hop the islands or stay put and relax. Point being make it a great trip and still try to keep it reasonable cost wise.
I will be posting more info soon, always open to ideas!!!!

Hi Kirk,
Not sure I'm the 7A on your list, but I am still interested.
Two RV-8's from Warrenton, VA are interested

Hi Kirk,

Thanks for your call back the other nite - much appreciated. Rick 'Twitterpated" McBride and I are definitely interested. Rick is back in town after 2/14, so let's revisit that week and Rick and I can fly up to PA to meet you and discuss planning.

We're thinking of doing Sun-N-Fun and combining the Bahamas in there. I'll have to suck it up and get some real sized N-numbers.

Ready for the islands, mon!

Hi Kirk,

A group of RV'ers went to Grand Turk last year (second trip for them I believe) and really enjoyed the island. Great diving and fishing. The group recommended the Osprey Beach Hotel.

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Fall 2008 Bahamas Trip

Put my wife and I on your list. Doubt I will have my RV-7 finished by then but we can always take the RV-10 instead.
Thanks Guys!

Thanks Guys! I have been away all weekend but will sit down a night this week and post up what I have found out regarding hotels/resorts and prices I think there might be some deals to be had. And as of now I have
3. RV-8s(Myself, Rob Brooks, Rick McBride)
1. 7A(Dan Landry)
2.RV-10(Russ Davies, Mark)
So I will keep everyone informed and hopefully have a great trip to look forward to:D
By the way I found this place while looking around and think I might have to plan a visit sometime in the future
Hi Guys

Well here is what I have so far
Treasure Cay Resort
They will give a 20% discount for pilots,
So a standard room is 136.00 a night (all room prices include discount)
A deluxe room is 152.00
A Deluxe suite is 232.00
The Standard room is just that standard
the Deluxe room is basically a standard with a little more room and a microwave
The Deluxe suite is a two story loft with a deck,
The beach is directly across the street and the resort is 7mi from Treasure Cay airport which is a AOE for the Bahamas. I have some requests out to other resorts on other islands but have not heard back from them yet.
The deposit for this resort is two nights and a 14 day cancellation policy for a full refund, if its less than 14 days they will credit you the deposit and the credit is good for a year.
I am waiting to hear back from some other places, but I think Laura and I might make Treasure Cay our base of ops due to the fact it is relatively close and we will only be able to spend 2-3 days on the islands.
So let me know what you guys think, I would love this to be a nice enjoyable trip for everyone going, so please don't let our schedule stop anyone from doing their own thing I just think it would be great to fly together over there, maybe even charter a all RV fishing trip:)
Anyway when I hear more I will let everyone know:D

Here is a link
Trip to the Bahamas

When are you planning this trip? We have been to the Bahamas several times with Cessnas, but now that we have an RV, might be interested.
Hiya Tom!
As of right now a firm date has not been set, but we are looking at going right around Sun n Fun. Hopefully should have a firm date in beginning of February, would love to have you if you can:D
Hi Guys

Hi guys,
Well I am still trying to track down some other hotels, so more on that as it comes up. Actually Laura and I are planning on Treasure Cay but I wanted to get some other options for anyone else who wants to go:D
Meanwhile I am planning on meeting with Rob&Rick(RV-8s) coming up next month, and setting a date so I wanted to get a idea from anyone else who thinks they might really want to go what dates they would go for.
Sun n Fun is the 8-13 so what do you think for dates? I am leaning towards the 10-14, but that is totally up for change.
I hope everyone is doing well:D
Oh by the way I ordered my customs sticker on Tuesday and got it in the mail today, very easy.
If I had my duthers the first or second week in May work best for me.

Mark Ritter
185 Hrs.
Meanwhile I am planning on meeting with Rob&Rick(RV-8s) coming up next month, and setting a date so I wanted to get a idea from anyone else who thinks they might really want to go what dates they would go for.
Sun n Fun is the 8-13 so what do you think for dates? I am leaning towards the 10-14, but that is totally up for change.

Treasure Cay is fine with me. I'm game for leaving Thurs(10th) or Fri(11th) and would probably return Sunday morning the 13th.
If everyone is going to SNF, we may want to depart from Lakeland vs making the short flight to FPR.
I would be leaving from Hernando County(BKV)
BKV>FPR = 125nm
BKV>MYAT= 288nm. Direct.
Not worth the stop in FPR. I'd prefer to fly direct. We could coordinate the departures to arrive somewhere near the same ETA.
FPR is great for the return as is an AOE.
Thanks for doing all the homework!


Looking forward to the trip, thanks for taking the time to look into all this for us. I checked the listings that another nice poster offered up and the one thing we need to keep in mind is fuel. Seems like most of these smaller islands are scant on fuel and you have to choose an entry airport anyway. Suggest that Spanish Cay might be a bit remote and your first option of Treasure Cay might be the ticket at least for a place to stay and operate out of. Then we have a base for fuel and can do a run out to Spanish Cay or elswhere for lunch, etc if we feel the need to island hop. Large, wide runway with fuel and also customs and immigration 7 days a week, which is key, because you can fuel up and go direct back from there.

Either is fine with me, but Treasure Cay seems to be the easy option. Although the exclusivity of the small private island is alluring, but could also mean that there is less to do there. But who are we kidding - the whole point is to sit on the beach and do nothing!

If you are up for it - let's try to schedule a get together on 2/16 or 2/17. I'll send an e-mail as we get closer and you, Rick and me can decide on a meeting point somewhere between northern VA and western PA and meet for lunch and plan out some of the details.

Kirk, not sure if I have your e-mail, but when you have a chance, please send me your e-mail address to:

rbrooks at hthworldwide dot com


[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]The following infomation is courtesy of::
[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]BAHAMAS & CARIBBEAN PILOT'S GUIDE[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]
(Phone: 800-521-2120)[/FONT]​
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Treasure Cay Intl. - MYAT 26.44'N 77.23'W
Runway - 14/32 6,900'x150' Elevation 6'[/FONT]​
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]New asphalt ? Numbered on both ends ? Excellent condition 2,500' ? Overrun both ends[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]VOR 112.9D, ZTC
CTAF 122.8 (most local hotels)[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Navigational Aids:[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif][/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Freeport VOR 113.2D, ZFP 081 Degrees radial 73nm
Nassau VOR 112.7D, ZQA 003 Degrees radial 102nm
Note: Rwy heading is not east/west, possible crosswinds.FSS: 122.3/124.2 [/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Landing Fees: $5-$15 depending on plane's size. Arrival report required.
Fuel: Yes
Repairs: Marsh Harbour Intl. (20 miles south)
Customs/Immigration: 7 days; Winter: 9:00am-5:30pm, Summer: 9:00am-7:00pm (242)365-8602
Lights: Emergency and prior permission use only
Parking/Tie-Down: Paved ramp SE. Cables, no ties.
Windsock: SE near ramp, lighted. [/FONT]​
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Note:
[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]The above information is subject to change. Always check your aviation guides for completely accurate and up-to-date information. Treasure Cay Ltd. does not guarantee the accuracy of the above information, but believes it to be correct.[/FONT]
No by all means Rob Treasure Cay is great with us!! I just wanted to make sure their were some options. I will shoot you a Email and I look forward to seeing you guys!
Also the resort at Treasure Cay has the discount which makes it a little cheaper overall.
Exemption Letter

Rick mentioned an exemption letter for the Bahamas and other sundries -

Food for thought on what we need:
- US Customs/Border decal
-12" N-numbers (ACS sells vinyl ones for $50 a set)
- Restricted Radio Operators License (FCC)
-Aircraft Radio License (FCC)
-Experimental Exemption Letter - Bahamas DoA (just print letter from link below and carry it on AC)
-life vests minimum (that and other equipment can sometimes be rented in FL)

All is easy to get and online.

Here's some more info from EAA:

US Border Crossing Information for Homebuilts

When flying an experimental amateur-built aircraft into the Bahamas, or any foreign nation, you must obtain prior permission. Your aircraft?s operating limitations will contain wording similar to the following:

?This aircraft does not meet the requirements of the applicable, comprehensive, and detailed airworthiness code as provided by Annex 8 of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). The owner/operator of this aircraft must obtain written permission from another country's Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) prior to operating this aircraft in or over that country. That written permission must be carried aboard the aircraft together with the U.S. airworthiness certificate and, upon request, be made available to an FAA inspector or the CAA in the country of operation.?

The EAA has worked (successfully) with Bahamian government to streamline this procedure. In order to meet your operating limitation requirement, print out the approval letter at the following website, meet the requirements of the letter and carry it on board your aircraft. With this authorization letter, your homebuilt is treated the same as any other US or Canadian registered standard category aircraft flying to the Bahamas.

Special Authorization Letter for Operating an Experimental-Amateur Built Aircraft in the Bahamas
For any procedural questions you may have, please contact:

Mr. Patrick Rolle
Flight Standards Manager
Dept of Civil Aviation
Nassau International Airport,
242-377-3445 or 242-377-3448
Fax 242-377-6060
[email protected]

Visa and other information may be obtained by calling the Bahamas Embassy in Washington DC at (202) 319-2660.

Concerned about current border crossing procedures? Call the FAA Miami FSDO at 305-716-3400, extension 108 or 200 for the answers.


Current security levels in the USA call for all flights crossing international borders to follow special procedures. These procedures are spelled out in NOTAM?s (Notices to Airmen). It is imperative that pilots understand and follow the procedures called out in these NOTAM?s. NOTAM info can be obtained by calling Flight Service at 800-WXBRIEF.

Radio Station License:

For international flights the aircraft must be equipped with two-way communications along with a valid FCC Radio Station License. The PIC must have a Restricted Radiotelephone Operator Permit, FCC Form 753. For info on aircraft radio station licenses, visit the FCC web site at

US Customs
info is available at Download the document titled ?Guide For Private Flyers?.

Have an enjoyable trip!

If you have any questions or have any problems, please contact EAA Government Programs at (920)426-6537.
Hey Rob,
Are you and Rick going to be around next weekend to meet?
I purchased the Bahamas guide as well as the required documents.
I will even buy Lunch!!
Well, my partner and I have flown our 9a there twice in the last year. I wouldn't discourage anyone from following all the rules. But things are looser there than you imagine. At least at stella maris airport on long island. When we arrived
the last time, customs wasn't there. The manager of the FBO just asked us to fill out some paper work and sent us on our way. A few days later the customs agent sent word that he would like us to drop by for some more paper work. The most important things are filing your flight plans both ways, getting your transponder codes before crossing the ADIZ, and call customs before you return.
At Fort Pierce on our return, the customs agent didn't look at our bags, passports, medicals, or pilot's licenses. But you're probably more suspicious looking, so you'll likely be strip searched.:)
Relax, you're going to have a great time.
Lunch next weekend

Hey Rob,
Are you and Rick going to be around next weekend to meet?
I purchased the Bahamas guide as well as the required documents.
I will even buy Lunch!!

Hey Kirk,

Let's plan on meeting at KTHV - York, PA - that's a little closer to you than us, but probably the best airport en route for all of us (we welcome any suggestions you may have). KTHV has a great little restaurant on the field. We can meet either day - Sat or Sun are open for both Rick and me. We have a brief EAA meeting Sat AM at 10, so we could leave by 11 and be there at noon-ish. Welcome any suggestions you may have. I'm in CO and AZ this week on business, but will have access to e-mail so that is the best way to reach me.

Looking forward to meeting you in person and seeing your -8.



PS: I'll bring my docs along as well.
Hey Rob,
York is fine with me if that works for you guys, do you want to just shoot for around 11:30-noon on Saturday?
I look forward to meeting you guys as well!
Remember Lunch is on me!:D
That sounds like a plan, but realistically - probably closer to noon - noon-thirty since we have to make an appearance at our local EAA meeting from about 10 to 11am. We can argue about the lunch check later - appreciate the offer though!;)
Rick mentioned an exemption letter for the Bahamas and other sundries -

Food for thought on what we need:
- US Customs/Border decal
-12" N-numbers (ACS sells vinyl ones for $50 a set)
- Restricted Radio Operators License (FCC)
-Aircraft Radio License (FCC)
-Experimental Exemption Letter - Bahamas DoA (just print letter from link below and carry it on AC)
-life vests minimum (that and other equipment can sometimes be rented in FL)

US customs: you can order online. It took me 3 days to receive in the mail.
12" Numbers: Duct tape works great. $4.00/roll.
FCC radio license: Have never been asked.
Life vests: I usually carry a fanny pack inflatable that you can get from your local boat supply.
After our engine quit over water on our first trip in the RV there (courtesy of precision airmotive) , I bought a couple of other things you might want to consider.

Thanks for the reminder:) The FBO in FPR rents rafts I am going to see how it would fit in the 8.
Also hopefully we won't have to even think of it but in my mind another benefit of have some "friends" with you, built in SAR.
Always keeping Safety First!!

Hi guys,
Well Rick, Rob and myself hooked up today and set a date of leaving FPR Fri April 4 returning the 7-8(flexible).
Please PM me if you are going to try to make it and I will give you all the hotel info.
Bahamas here we come:D
Hi guys,
Well Rick, Rob and myself hooked up today and set a date of leaving FPR Fri April 4 returning the 7-8(flexible).
Please PM me if you are going to try to make it and I will give you all the hotel info.
Bahamas here we come:D

I will check with my wife's schedule. She's an RN & her schedule is not a flexible as mine.

OW, send me the hotel info and I will rsvp if it works for me.
Are we still looking at Treasure Cay?