
Active Member
Looks like an airplane to me now. New cowling, paint (whether you like the color or not ), and a general finished touch bodes well in my opinion. Does it look like a Ferrari in the sky? Well no, but it is by no means ugly, as some have said. I like it. I'm sold on the Vans reputation and success and I'm sold on the concept. Hope some real info about it comes forth from Air Venture (I want to see a video of the wings coming on and off).
To the BONE!

mcsteatlh said:
Does it look like a Ferrari in the sky? Well no, but it is by no means ugly, as some have said. I like it.

I have way too much fun!

In the United States of Georgia, "beauty is skin deep, but ugly goes to the bone!"

I agree that this is will be a great little jumper(RV-12), but you gotta chunk the cult mentality that dictates that everything from Vans is pretty or great. ITS UGLY, but so are many other great airplanes. A Falco is pretty, a Lancair 360 MkII is beautiful(in the air), a North American P-51 is a work of art and a Vans RV-3 is pin up material. With that subjectively said, the Boeing B-52 has a nick name of BUFF(Big Ugly Fat F*&^%), the MD AV-8B Harrier will never win any beauty contests(but it is a good multipurpose aircraft for the Marines) and the RV-12 will give the Zeinth offerings a run for the last girl to get asked to dance(but all reportedly are good, safe mission fullfilling aircraft).

FWIW and with apologies to Dennis Miller, I end my latest rant.
MD Harrier?....What?

Ahh yes....Just like the "Packard" Merlin.

But we Brits are happy that your Marines found OUR Harrier to be such a useful airplane and thus gladly sold you the manufacturing rights.....:)

Anybody need a bridge?

Frank 7a
The Harrier is extremely useful at least after we Americans redesigned it :D
You can see the enemy out of the cockpit now, carry real weapons, and not flip over unexpectedly. Even the Brits fly mostly AV-8B's now. Most all of the fully British designed AV-8A's are retired or crashed except for the Brits Sea Harriers.
Ugly? Nah...

The LSA has weight limitations in addition to performance limits. Thus, in design you have to balance a roomy enough cockpit with maybe a smaller tail-cone/fuselage. Many end up with a somewhat bulbous look to them. Is it the prettiest girl at the dance? No... but definitely not the ugliest. And like many of the "girls next door"... do the make-up, hair and a little black dress... and they take on a whole new perspective. I still say that the right paint job and pants will make an even greater difference for the RV-12. I have to tell you - I love all the RV's... but I have seen some look just terrible due to a really funky paint scheme. While I think the RV-12 looks better painted... I think an all yellow scheme didn't do much for her.

Previously submitted:

Words have meaning!

Phyrcooler said:
To me - Ugly are those egg shaped high-wing LSA's! :eek:

Those are uglier or ugliest! Three bager! RV-12 is just ugly! Degrees of bad, I guess!