Well Known Member
I tried searching the forums and Google but was unable to find the size requirement for aircraft registration on the fuselage for Experimental aircraft in Canada. Is the 4" letters/numbers requirement in the U.S. also good in Canada?
I tried searching the forums and Google but was unable to find the size requirement for aircraft registration on the fuselage for Experimental aircraft in Canada. Is the 4" letters/numbers requirement in the U.S. also good in Canada?

Not sure about Canada, but the US requirement is 3" minimum for aircraft with a maximum cruise speed of 180 knots or less CAS.
There are some differences between the US and Canadian requirements: I don't contemplate doing anything nefarious, so I put max size letters on both the wing underside and the tail. Here's an outtake from the regulations:

If the owner has marks both on the side AND on the bottom surface of the wings or fuselage (or cabin for helicopter), the following applies:
?the marks on the side must be at least 15 cm (5.9 inches); and
?the marks on the bottom surface must be at least 50 cm (19.68 inches).

If an owner decides not to display marks under the wings of the aeroplane or the bottom surface of the fuselage (or cabin in the case of a helicopter):
?then the marks on the side must be larger, i.e. they must be at least 30 cm (11.8 inches) except where the dimensions of the structure do not permit this. In that case the marks shall be as high as possible but never less than 15 cm (5.9 inches).

Now, there are experimental aircraft sporting letters smaller than code, but it depends on the knowledge level of the person approving...

Hi Trevor, Have been to Canada in and out of the south north east and west borders with 3 in #s and didn't have a problem. Not sure if this helps? Larry
The regulations cited are correct.
In fact, for newly built aircraft, conformance is a requirement. However, there are hundreds of aircraft flying with only 6 inc letters and I have never heard of any citations.

Flying in ADIZ, I would ensure compliance.

Coming from the U.S. In an American registered aircraft, the American rules apply. Just no fake 50 cal machine guns.
I happened to stumble across the regulation today.
Marks Displayed on Side Surfaces of a Heavier-than-Air-Aircraft
When not Displayed Under the Wing or Cabin

(amended 2000/06/01; no previous version)

(ii) in the case of a glider, an amateur-built aircraft or an ultra-light aeroplane, the maximum height allowed by the dimensions of the structure of the aircraft or a height of 7.5 cm (3 inches), whichever is greater,

provided that a margin of 5 cm (1.970 inches) can be maintained as required under subparagraph 222.01(1)(b)(iii); and
(amended 2000/06/01; previous version)

Thanks for the feedback! I think we will plan on painting 3" letters. If we ever go to the Bahamas or Mexico I'll get 12" vinyl stick-on's as many others have done.
Your US aircraft flying into Canada will be fine with whatever the FAA approves.

Note that in Canada, and specifically referring to RV's here, if you don't want to put letters under your wings, the requirement is for 30cm (12") letters on the fuselage. The regulation only allows 6" or smaller letters if the structure does not allow for 12" letters. The fuselage does.

Not saying that this regulation is properly enforced everywhere, but it has been.
N Number Size and Location

Not sure about Canada, but the US requirement is 3" minimum for aircraft with a maximum cruise speed of 180 knots or less CAS.

Does this 3" requirement apply if N number is put only on Fuselage, in USA? Or does there have to be a number under wing also?

Does this 3" requirement apply if N number is put only on Fuselage, in USA? Or does there have to be a number under wing also?

No requirement for registration numbers on wings in the US.
3" numbers can be on the fuselage between the trailing edge of the wing and the leading edge of horizontal stabilizer, on the vertical stabilizer, or on the rudder.