
Well Known Member
Hey All,

I finally found a tall gear setup and planning on starting the conversion. I wanted to know if anyone has any pointers or what I should plan for before pulling the engine?

1) How complicated is the conversion?
2) Should the holes line up? If not, what are next steps?
3) Does anyone know if a O-320-E2A is a dynafocal 1 or 2? I want to make sure the engine will fit the new tall gear mount before I start all this work.

Your engine is dynafocal one. The dynafocal two was only used on Twin Commanche and Wing Derringer
If your gear and mount are from Vans everything should line up.
New gear fairings and probably intersection fairings.
Brake lines and you should probably use gear stiffners.
Both gear and mounts are from vans. I am planning on converting my lines to braided SS. I still need to figure out the lengths on those so I can order.

Thanks for the heads up.
I’ve got a short gear 4 and wondered what the prime difference was (apart from length) between the two? Why the engine mount swap?
I’ve got a short gear 4 and wondered what the prime difference was (apart from length) between the two? Why the engine mount swap?

The gear is angled back. When the gear is lengthened, the angle must be reduced slightly to keep the wheels in the same relative position fore & aft. That angle is welded into the engine mount.

If the gear were lengthened and the angle not changed, the wheels would end up aft of where they were making more of a tendency to "nose over".
May not line up.

All of the holes may not all line up. On mine the holes in the center did not line up and Vans sent me instructions on how to fix it. I looked but I don't have the instructions anymore. Good Luck.