
I'm New Here
I would like to sell my completed RV-4 HS and VS and rest of tail kit prior to ordering an RV-7 kit. (The lady who lets me live with her want to ride side by side rather than tandem) pics available on request. flyteal :)
tail section

What thickness elevator skins do you have, .020 or .016? Where are you located? How much are you asking?
Rv4 Hs And Vs

andrsnj said:
What thickness elevator skins do you have, .020 or .016? Where are you located? How much are you asking?
Skins are .016. I'm in Hayward, Wi. Asking $400.
RV4 tail kit

Are there any issues with the completed horizontal or vertical stabilizers? When I first started building my RV4 I bought a "completed" empanage. As it turns out there were problems with it and I had to rework much of it. As it sits it is useable but it doesn't match the rest of the airplane from a quality point of view. Also I would like to put some sealant in the trailing edges to prevent cracks in the elevators. If there are no problems with your work then I am interested. Can you send me any photos? Do you know how much shipping will be, I live in CT?
Rv4 Hs And Vs

I'm very proud of the work I did on the HS and VS. I'll be happy to provide pics as you request. My suggestion (as my elevators and rudder are not completed) is that you use the .020 skins rather than the .016. Had I completed the RV4, I planned to do that as many in the RV field advised it. As the RV Forum is a little cumbersome, feel free to contact me at [email protected] or 715 462 9277. Name is Brent Wenger. I'll take the pics and wait to hear from you RE where to email them. Regards