Well I finally went ahead and bought my first plane. It?s a long time coming and boy is she fun! Did several landings, including wheels and three points, after stalling it at altitude. Just amazing how well this little bird flies. Stopped by my old instructor?s hangar, went and got a milkshake and fries at an airport diner here (Brenham), and finally brought her home. While not pictured, the RV Grin is so real.

Will figure out how to post pictures later tonight.
Be great to see your pictures. I bought an RV3A back in December but haven?t flown it yet as I have had a serious engine problem.

I love my -3, such a pleasure to fly. The other RVs are really nice, but the 3 has a certain something about it that?s hard to describe...
WilCo re Pics

Work got crazy and I haven't been able to post pictures yet, but they are coming I promise.

I had never flown a single seat plane before, and I must admit it's an odd feeling the first time! That said, I have never flown such an amazing little aircraft.
Here you go john.

