
doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
You know how much I enjoyed the visibility when I got to fly in the -12. I thought maybe 'Sightseer' would be a good name.

Look at the down sight line in the pics below. Being so far up near the leading edge coupled with that dip down in the canopy rail gives you an incredible sight line down.

Just a moment ago I realized that 'The Viz' would be good too.

RV-12 = RV-IZ

Pretty close, huh? :)

I also like BEITS (Big Eye In The Sky).



Fun to think about <g>.​
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It's hard to think of one since none of the other RV's have been named (by model, I know specific ones all have names)

But if you're looking for a name for N912VA, "Sightseer" would work well. My first thought is also "Bumblebee" after the bright yellow paint scheme and the removable wings, just like how "Bumblebee" was a yellow Camaro in the movie Transformers :D Pretty pathetic I know... :eek:
Not too original but ....



DeltaRomeo said:
You know how much I enjoyed the visibility when I got to fly in the -12. I thought maybe 'Sightseer' would be a good name.

Look at the down sight line in the pics below. Being so far up near the leading edge coupled with that dip down in the canopy rail gives you an incredible sight line down.

Just a moment ago I realized that 'The Viz' would be good too.

RV-12 = RV-IZ

Pretty close, huh? :)

I also like BEITS (Big Eye In The Sky).



Fun to think about <g>.​
E. D. Eliot said:
;) RV-12 sounds pretty good to me. ;) ;)

I agree. The aircraft has already been properly named by the designer, and I don't think I would take kindly to someone referring to my airplane as the window peeper, or whatever.
E. D. Eliot said:
;) RV-12 sounds pretty good to me. ;) ;)

I'm an automotive engineer by trade so Marketing is not my strong point. However I do recognize the significance of the job of a marketiung person and good names do sell products.

To the purist RV driver it would sacrilege to use anything other than a numerical name badge but former (or current) RV owners is a limited market to appease. The other LSA manufacturers think "naming" a plane has significance to the rest of the marketplace.

Funny though, I really like the name "Skyhawk" but I refer to the rental plane I fly as a "172" more often than not. There is something macho military or technical about using code numbers instead of names for planes. You know the phrase "You may fly a C-130 but I fly a C-150!" - right?

On the automotive scene numbers don't go over real big. Does anyone get excited about owning a Pontiac "G6"? It doesn't conger up any image at all.
OK I concede that Porsche and BMW have a little more success at marketing numbers for names but I would still argue names are still significant in the marketplace. Changing the name from "Ultralights" to Light Sport Aircraft was a marketing move. What American male wouldn't want to be invovled in some "sport" activity? Remember when EAA wanted to move away from the image of "experimental" and adopt the "sport" flying image.

I think a catchy name would be great. Unfortunately I cannot think of one that passes the "macho aviator" test. If the name is "cute" in any way it will never fly but if it could stir the imagination of aviation adventure driven people I think a good name would sell.

Kudos to Doug for trying to stir up some interest.

Now lets see... how about "Ray-Van" ... you know like the aviator glasses... I told you I wasn't good at marketing...

Rick S said:
snip...I don't think I would take kindly to someone referring to my airplane as the window peeper, or whatever.
I should have said earlier that I was eating lunch with Van, Tom Green and some other of the Van's employees during Homecoming weekend when the topic of a name for the -12 came up. Van mentioned about how it is a challenge to come up with a catchy name that conveys an accurate mental image (he threw the idea of a contest out to come up with a name for the -12).

My point, I guess, is that Van knows about this and is OK with it.

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DeltaRomeo said:
You know how much I enjoyed the visibility when I got to fly in the -12. I thought maybe 'Sightseer' would be a good name.

Here are a few ideas (enough to make everyone cringe - even me!):

RV-[Insert one of the above; e.g.:]

I was thinking Harvey Twelve would be pretty cool, and since it's not just a boring number, the marketing problem is solved. :)
Harder than naming kids...

Don't know if its been tossed out yet, but how about, ...wait for it....

The RV-12 "Freedom" (if it hasn't been used by any other mfg.)

Let me explain.

I think the reason why Vans is remotely interested in naming this particular model is because of its target market. Even though many of us are looking to use it beyond the LSA guidelines, its aimed at primarily two groups to which the moniker is most apropos, and a third group who benefits by proxy.

The first group, the new entrant into general aviation. Here are people who, for one reason or another have elected to pursue the Sport Pilot certificate. This bird will give them the opportunity to exeperience the "Freedom" of flight at a much lower "cost" on both the training time aspect and the financial investment.

The second group, the non-medical pilot. Here we have people who, for one reason or another have had to give up flying because their medical has expired and they chose not to pursue renewal. This bird restores their "Freedom" to fly and once again enjoy this avocation.

The third group, the "full-on", medicaled pilot. Here we have a group of pilots (myself included), who for one reason or another have elected to use this aircraft beyond LSA limits (night, IFR, +10k', etc) as a way for us to exercise our "Freedom" as pilots to enjoy all aspects of flight at a lower "cost commitment" ($$$, build time, care & feeding, etc.).

I think the difficultly in naming the RV-12 is one has to make sure the power and emotion the moniker must convey is felt by all groups it is aimed at. Each group derives its own meaning and feeling from the name.

Also, I think it may spur such a paridigm shift in aircraft ownership, you want a name that stands the test of time.
Name that RV...

Van may want to call it "Told you so" after reading previous/various posts for the -12 and all the pundants who have their armchair design solutions has brought this name to mind. :)

I think that's an ace name.

Better than RVision, or Van a LiSA, or eLSA the Lioness, or aiRVehicle, or RaVen XII, or U2canfly, or fReeView, or the Viewfinder ;-)

Like cars, you have to pick a name that is meaningful (or at least pronounceable), but not obscene, in every language where the product will be sold.
JimLogajan said:
Here are a few ideas (enough to make everyone cringe - even me!):

RV-[Insert one of the above; e.g.:]

Don't call it the Vista! It might crash every few minutes.... ;)
My thought

The Van's "Observer"

Many years ago my mother in law told me,

"your entitled to my own stupid opinion" :eek:

I said

"So are you" ;)

We get along pretty well,

but I'm really fond of her daughter! :)
Time to fly the flag

With so many dog-gone Euro designs flooding the country, I think its time to get patriotic. American Flyer is taken and Zenithair is going to name their AMD new highwing the Patroit so those are out. How about one of these:

US Crusier
Big Sky
Great Plains
Name the -12

Well if you want to be truly patriotic -- you know, Old Glory, Mom's Apple Pie and John Wayne, howzabout PILGRIM? ;)
Ok, now it is my turn.... The top 10 name for the RV12

1. Chickadee
2. Flivver (whoops, might be confused with Fords Sky Flivver)
3. Canary
4. Finch Fly (kinds of rolls off the tounge)
5. Conveyer
6. Feather
7. Aurora (after all that the airport from which it came)
8. Van SkyWalker (you know, Lukes brother)
9. Vantage
10. Van-derBuilt (might get sued by the Vanderbilts)

Now back to work.

DeltaRomeo said:
THAT is a good name! :)


My personal favorite was RV-Super Sport. Sport for obvious reasons and Super to build on Vans Total Performance reputation.

The SS badge in the auto world sells to both the young and the aging boomers.

But, alas, Kitfox has labeled one other their models "Super Sport" so we'll have to wait for them to go out of business again before borrowing the name.

Other than that, I agree with Doug - Aurora has a nice sound to it.

Perhaps some name that reflects the stealthy nature under which the 12 is being developed would be appropriate. Its been a long time since Vans has offered a tangible update. Surely there must be some reportable progress.

How about "100 horses of screaming terror"? (With the nose pointed down of course ;) ) Go Kiwi's!

I think "Fly-By" would be good. Aurora is good.
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The nickname for my very slow build RV7 is "Sweetie", which brings to mind a couple nice sounding "monikers"

"Sweet Freedom" :)
"Sweet RV"
n615ks said:
The nickname for my very slow build RV7 is "Sweetie", which brings to mind a couple nice sounding "monikers"

"Sweet Freedom" :)
"Sweet RV"
Sweetie ryhmes with tweety.
The prototype was painted yellow.
It flies like a bird.
So it must be called Tweety Bird!

(But I still like Kent's Aurora proposal. It is legitimate as both the home town of the company and many of the name's meanings have a poetic relevance:

Aurora \Au*ro"ra\, n.; pl. E. Auroras, L. (rarely used) Auror[ae]. [L. aurora, for ausosa, akin to Gr. ?, ?, dawn, Skr. ushas, and E. east.]

1. The rising light of the morning; the dawn of day; the redness of the sky just before the sun rises.
2. The rise, dawn, or beginning. --Hawthorne.
3. (Class. Myth.) The Roman personification of the dawn of day; the goddess of the morning. The poets represented her a rising out of the ocean, in a chariot, with rosy fingers dropping gentle dew.​
From: )
One of the reasons that I put Aurora in my list...

JimLogajan said:
Aurora \Au*ro"ra\, n.; pl. E. Auroras, L. (rarely used) Auror[ae]. [L. aurora, for ausosa, akin to Gr. ?, ?, dawn, Skr. ushas, and E. east.]

1. The rising light of the morning; the dawn of day; the redness of the sky just before the sun rises.
2. The rise, dawn, or beginning. --Hawthorne.
3. (Class. Myth.) The Roman personification of the dawn of day; the goddess of the morning. The poets represented her a rising out of the ocean, in a chariot, with rosy fingers dropping gentle dew.​
From: )

This is why 30 years ago I named my first daughter Aurora.


I'm going to call it:


RV Late

I want to see it naked! Take those wings off!!!

"You go to ****! I'm going to Texas." Daniel Boone.