
Well Known Member
Both of my fav airports seem to be having more than the usual loose stone populations and I have seen a couple of new stone chips on my leading edges. I am thinking of following a fellow pilot's suggestion and installing leading edge clear tape- 4" on wings & leg fairings, 2" on empenage LE.

Question: will, say, 4" tape, about 8mil, cause enough separation on that slick wing to amount to anything?

All RVs use turbulent airfoils. Leading edge tape or paint lines are not a problem. These only cause problems on laminar airfoils.
Thanks, Mel.

I pretty much was convinced to try the stuff and see what would happen. I do prefer to get informed opinions when I can, though. ;)

That left wing, particularly, gets a lot of abuse from the flying debris.
Clean hands

If you use the tape a little tip that I discovered after it was too late was to wash your hands about 15 times per piece of tape. That stuff is so sticky that it will leave a permanent print in the adhesive if you are not careful and will attract any and all dirt to include the dirt you cannot see until it is against a contrasting background.
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ww2planes said:
If you use the tape a little tip that I discovered after it was too late was to wash your hands about 15 times per piece of tape. That stuff is so sticky that it will leave a permanent print in the adhesive if you are not careful and will attract any and all dirt to include the dirt you cannot see until it is against a contrasting background.

Exactly what another pilot, who also owns a body shop, told me. Sounds like putting it in correctly could be a little tricky.
3M clear film

I may be way off base but you may want to look into a 3m clear film protectant. It comes in sheets of plastic you stick right ot the surface. I put some on the leading edges of my corvette and I know a guy who does this professionally for Lamborghini of Dallas.

Is said to protect paint from small rock traveling ~60mph or something like that, so far no dings on my vet where the protectant is. I dont see why it would not work for you leading edge of your wings.

And it comes off with amonia if you dont want like it :)
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Good tip, Speed. I plan to check that out immediately.

(Wifey says since I already know how to cuss, maybe using smaller dimension stuff is a good idea. :rolleyes: )