
Well Known Member

I'm working on finishing my 9A, and am looking into airports to commute into from east Tennessee. I work for American Airlines (at least for now) and need a place to park, leave a commuter car, and maybe get cleaned up before driving to either IAD or BWI to work (FBO with a shower?). Hangar space for bad weather would be great, but when the weather allows, a tie down with good airport security would be fine. Also looking for a room to rent or decent hotel in the area for 7-10 nights per month.

I'm currently driving (6.5 hours) and rent a room with private bath in Silver Spring for $400.

Thanks in advance

Greg Marlow
[email protected]
try potomac (friendly)

due to their location in the most restricted part of the ADIZ, they aren't the most desirable location anymore for many AC owners but that might be an opportunity you can take advantage of.
Several choices

Greg - there are several choices, but I doubt any of them have
everything you're looking for:

Frederick (FDK) - 2 runways, untowered, ILS, outside the ADIZ,
about the same distance from both BWI and IAD, plenty of car parking.
But no available hangars, and not a lot of security (not fenced), and
expensive fuel. EAA chapter 524 has a chapter house in one of the hangars on the field.

Lucky's suggestion of Potomac (VKX) has some merit. It's pretty small,
and you have to go through the security clearance process to operate
there (shouldn't be a big deal). It's very GA friendly. Single
runway, untowered.

If you're willing to undergo the security clearance process, you might also
consider College Park (CGS). It has a reasonable runway and is
fenced. The best reason for it is the easy access (less than 1 mile)
to the Metro (subway). Once on Metro, you can transfer to buses
going to either BWI or IAD. You might be able to get by without
a car in that case. Single runway, untowered.

Finally, consider Ft. Meade/Tipton(FME). It's inside the ADIZ, but
outside the FRZ, so no security clearance issue. It's a former
Army helo base, single 3000' runway, with good security. It's
reasonably close to BWI, but a pretty good hike to IAD. Also single
runway, untowered. You can actually see the runways at BWI
from the pattern on a clear day.

Hope this helps. BTW, I grew up just outside Kingsport (Church Hill) -
but have been here for a long time. Feel free to PM or reply on
forum if you need more info.

Check with Louise Hose

I understand Louise Hose is "temporarily" located in Virginia. Have you contacted her? She is presently (or has recently been) hangaring an RV-6 (aka "Mikey") near Fredericksburg. You might talk to her about either her Hangar or her advice.

Good luck!

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College Park


If you are staying in Silver Spring, then College Park is definitively the closest airport to your and the most convenient. As someone else posted, it is right by a metro station that you can walk to. I'm currently based there (with a Tiger), and it has some of the cheapest gas around to boot. The only downside is that it is within the FRZ restricted zone (but you get used to that issue), and there are no hangars at CGS.

If you are really set on a hangar, then you could try Potomac as someone suggested, or Frederick, but those airports are substantially farther away.

Finally, as someone suggested, you should talk to Louise. She went through the same thing a year ago, and probably has the best suggestions. Either way, a hangar in the DC area is like gold -- and it usually costs as much!

Good luck, and don't hesitate to PM if you have any other questions.
Shannon has hangers

Yep, GA is tough in the DC area. Mikey and I ended up at Shannon (EZF) in Fredericksburg, VA. It's a fine little GA airport, has about a half-dozen RVs based there, outside the ADIZ (at least, the ones that count at the speeds we travel), there are hangars available, and they are cheaper than most in this part of the world (~$300-$340, I think). I lucked out and found a Kitfox to share the hangar with, but he's moving to Texas next week. Shannon also does tie-downs. The big down side is that it will take another ~90 minutes to IAD and 2 hours to BWI, if traffic isn't a factor (and it often is).

The most attractive possibility that I found was Warrenton (quite close to IAD), but the hangar waiting list is long. However, I understand that you can usually get in much quicker by knowing the right people and having a willingness to share a hangar with someone like a high-wing. Rob Brooks (RV-8) is an excellent contact for investigating that airport. He's commonly on these forums.

BTW, as Shannon does month-to-month, you could use Shannon until you find a better fit. If they don't have any hangars available (and they did just a couple of weeks ago), mine.....err, Mikey's...will become available soon....probably at the end of June.

Good luck!
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Needing to get to both IAD & BWI from a central location is a tough one if traffic and time is a concern. For an airport you should consider Montgomery Airpark KGAI in Gaithersburg, MD. There are plenty of tie-downs but hangers are tough. It helps to know someone with contacts.....let me know if you want me to ask the guy.

Gaithersburg is 45min to either BWI or IAD and is close to the Shady Grove Metro station.

I also know a guy that shares a very large hanger with a few other airplanes at KFME, Tipton, Ft. Meade and could ask him if there is any additional space in there for an occasional overnight or possibly a permanent spot.

I would recommend against Potomac only because it will be a very long trip to IAD. College Park would be better but no hangers. Flying from inside the FRZ (one of the DC 3) is no different than filing and ADIZ plan, you just need to visit the Baltimore FSDO, fill out some paperwork and let them do a background check. They issue you a PIN# to use when filing your plan.

Fuel is expensive at many of the airports around here so I usually fly from GAI to 2W2, Clearview where the fuel is now $4.60. A bargin compared to GAI where it's around $6.25.

There are plenty of room rentals for fairly inexpensive in the Gaithersburg area. Check Craigs List.

Good luck