Pat Stewart

Well Known Member
Charles just finished my carbon door. Looks and fits great. This is my second RV 8 project. The door is very time consuming and still never fits perfect. The new door from Charles fits perfect and saves time.

Pat Stewart
Get that perfect baggage door fit, glue it.

There is one way I know that will give you a perfect fitting baggage door. Strap the door down to the fuselage as you normally would, drill and clecoe the outside. Then crawl inside and drill and clecoe. You should have a perfect fit at this time. Now take the clecoes off on the outside and the strap clamps. Glue the outside skin to the door ribs and clecoe. Restrap the door in its perfect fit position and let the glue dry overnight. Now remove the baggage door from the fuselage and rivet the top skin on the baggage door being carefull not to disturb the glue joint bond. Next glue and clecoe the bottom skin on the baggage door. Reinstall the door on the fuselage and strap clamp it down. You still should have that perfect fit at this point. Let the glue dry overnight. After the glue has dried you can remove the clamps and the door and pop rivet the inside door on your work bench. You are done, reinstall on your fuselage and admire your fit.

A few notes: 1) The glue I used is DP 190 epoxy a 3M product.
2) Slightly preload the door locking pins so you pull the
door tight as you lock it
3) Make sure you have a perfect fit at each stage
before you move on to the next, adjust as required
Good luck, Greg Gruninger