
Active Member
hey guys..thx for the help so far...the pics I have got have helped so far but i need more...I have the fuselage frame mounted on the jig,drilled and clecoed but now i am to the point that i need more detailed pics of the f401 area of the pedals etc,the f450 area and the curved cover that goes over it,some on the tail wheel ass'y,stuff like that, and what is the deal on the static system...any help is appreciated...thx guys...todd
pics and more

surely someone has more pics of there rv4 fuselage...pleeeeessse guys....thx,todd
I'll try to take some tomorrow. I can't remember what an F401 or a F450 is. It's been a while since I was putting those parts together. If you can describe what you want pictures of, I'll take 'em.