
Well Known Member
Mid Atlantic RV-ers,

The National Capital EAA Chapter 186 is hosting an RV gathering on June 23rd starting at 10:00 am. The event is being held at the Warrenton-Fauquier County Airport (W66) http://www.airnav.com/airport/W66 which thankfully is outside the DC ADIZ.

The gathering is open to anyone interested in RVs to include potential builders to flying RV-ators. In addition to rides we'll have folks demonstrating basic metal working tools and techniques. We'll also be providing plenty to eat. All are welcome, so please plan on attending. W66 is a sport pilot friendly airport with a lot of activity and great airport management.

Any questions? Feel free to e-mail me at rbrooks at hthworldwide dot com.

Hope to see many of you there.

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N908RV said:
Mid Atlantic RV-ers,

The National Capital EAA Chapter 186 is hosting an RV gathering on June 23rd starting at 10:00 am. The event is being held at the Warrenton-Fauquier County Airport (W66) http://www.airnav.com/airport/W66 which thankfully is outside the DC ADIZ.

The gathering is open to anyone interested in RVs.......

A couple of months ago, I posted a request for help on finding hanger space in the D.C. area. Several of you responded with helpful information and advice. I appreciate everyone who took the time to respond. Yet more evidence of the value of Doug's site. I ultimately settled into a hanger at Shannon (KEZF) last week and plan to join the W66 group tomorrow morning. I look forward to meeting some of you folks in person.
Hi Louise,

Glad you were able to get a hangar at Shannon (EZF) - that's a cool old airport with a lot of history. Look forward to seeing you over at W66 tomorrow.

Welcome to DC,

Thank you

EAA Chapter 186,

Thank you for hosting such a great event! The weather was perfect, the hospitallity incredible, the food tastey and the metal working and costruction demonstration "riveting."

A special thanks to:
Rob Brooks for my first ride in an incedible RV8,
John Clarke for my first ride in a beautiful RV9a, and
John Clifford for opening his hanger to event.

I enjoyed meeting everyone and plan to become a member of the chapter. One last question is there a cure for RV additiction?

Alan Higgins
Chantilly, VA :)
Event write-up

(Photos are available at: http://picasaweb.google.com/DrKarst/WarrentonFlyIn062407)

Saturday was the first time I had a chance to do a local flight since arriving in Virginia and it turned into a wonderful day. By great luck, EAA Chapter 186 planned an RV Fly-In for today at the Warrenton (VA)airport. While still pretty uncomfortable with the idea of flying in this area, I made the quick trip to W66 to meet local RVers. On the ramp, I joined about a dozen RVs....6s, 8s, and a 9.

The morning started with some ramp chats and inspections. I had corresponded and/or spoken with several of the other pilots before moving to Virginia and it was great to meet them in person. The group then gathered for a brief?..very brief?meeting in which RV-8 builder/driver Rob Brooks invited those interested to his hanger for about an hour long workshop on riveting. He had all the relevant tools spread out and a drilled piece of scrap aluminum for everyone to use for practice. What a great session! Having purchased my RV, I appreciated the opportunity to learn and practice.

After a free lunch, provided by the chapter, some of us took interested folks up in our RVs. Sorta like an adult ?Young Eagles? event. Eric, a student pilot who was familiar with the area, traded his knowledge of the geographic landmarks around Warrenton for some stick time in my -6.

After the flights, many of us stuck around to socialize. Our hanger host and the president of the EAA chapter had a beautiful C-195 that he was proud to show off. Otherwise, we hung out and did the usual hanger flying. The locals kept commenting throughout the afternoon about what a beautiful day it was (true by any standard) and how we were unlikely to see another such day until the fall. Heeding their warning, I changed my plans to return home and decided to take a longer flight down through the Shenandoah Valley.

I pulled back the throttle and made lazy ?S? turns as I cruised south from Fort Royal, enjoying the scenery and the clear day. Compared to my beloved West, the view was terribly green, but nonetheless, beautiful. Two features stood out?.the classic valley-and-ridge topography (appealing to the geologist in me) and the abundance of long, narrow, white buildings. They reminded me of the confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs) in Missouri but lacked adjacent sewage lagoons. But, I recall hearing that the Valley was filling with massive chicken houses and I guessed that these were huge chicken coups.

Headed back to my new home at Shannon, the air was mostly smooth and clear. I decided that I had better take advantage of the weather and join the breakfast run the following morning. As I approached Shannon, a Cessna pilot seemed to be having problems with the relatively short field and twice announced that he was going around. Trying to keep from pressuring him, I pulled back the power, announced my entry into the downwind, and gave him plenty of time to make a relaxed landing?.?cept a Bonanza darted into the space and announced himself as #2. Seems that flying around here may be a lot like drive?.if you don?t tailgate, someone will cut you off!

Many thanks to the EAA #186 members for a great day!
I love the pictures! Looks like everyone had a great day up there - I really like the placard in the C-195....ahhh, if preventing ground loops was as easy as simply as prohibiting them...;)

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Funny placard

Ironflight said:
I really like the placard in the C-195....ahhh, if preventing ground loops was as simply as prohibiting them...;)


The owner of the C-195 told a great story: An FAA guy, upon seeing the placard, said "If it's on the panel, it's regulatory...if you have a groundloop, we can violate you!"

If I owned that beautiful old airplane, the FAA is the last thing I'd be thinking about as I groundlooped it!
Glad so many RV-ers could make it!

We were happy to see so many RV's come out for our "Chapter Meeting" (translation, excuse to BBQ and fly). Couldn't have asked for better weather or a better crowd of folks.

I was so busy doing the riveting session and giving rides I didn't find time to snap photos, so a big thanks to Louise and Martin for posting their pics of the event.

Louise, it was great finally meeting you in person; glad you enjoyed the riveting session and the unseasonably good weather to check out all the local mountain greenery.

I had a great time giving rides and sharing the RV experience with prospective RV builders. I always love to hear their astonished comments after their first ride.


Thank you to EAA 186 and More Pictures

I want to second Alan's comments ... a big thanks to everyone from Chapter 186; this was a fun and educational event.

And special thanks to Rob, who not only gave us a good "riveting" lesson, but gave me my first ride in his awesome RV8. I now understand what the RV Grin is all about. This was probably a very expensive RV ride...

Here are some additional pictures from the RV gathering if anyone is interested.




PS - Louise; nice to meet you, and thanks for taking Sofia's picture. She loved seeing herself, and her brother was very jealous that he missed out on the event.
Thanks Fernando

Great pix - nice detailed shots. Glad you snapped some shots of Rick McBride's RV-8 interior - will give some folks good ideas if they truly want to customize their RV-8 interior for better ergonomics. Rick's is probably the nicest RV-8 I have ever seen. And I've seen some very nice -8's.

I predict that Fernando and Alan will be ordering some empennage kits in the not so distant future. Will be glad to help get you both started.


Sorry I missed it!

I'm bummed that I missed that event. I live in Sterling, but my in-laws are down in Fredricksburg.

When is the next fly-in planned?
campi said:
IPS - Louise; nice to meet you, and thanks for taking Sofia's picture. She loved seeing herself, and her brother was very jealous that he missed out on the event.

Hey, my pleasure. I think you will be the envy of all of us with such a proficient "co-builder"!
Twitterpated RV8

In the chapter 186 gathering photos is a red whhite and blue RV8 with a cartoon character on it and the name "Twitterpated". I like the smiley face air inlet on the lower cowl, and would be interested in any informatin anyone might have about it.

Is it a one off formed up item or is someone making them?

Name or contact information of the owner of the plane?

Thanks for any information.

Randy C.
Randy said:
In the chapter 186 gathering photos is a red whhite and blue RV8 with a cartoon character on it and the name "Twitterpated".

Name or contact information of the owner of the plane?

The owner/pilot is Rick McBride. He's on the forum somewhat regularly....rickrv8. You could PM him, if he doesn't see you note.
Randy said:
In the chapter 186 gathering photos is a red whhite and blue RV8 with a cartoon character on it and the name "Twitterpated". I like the smiley face air inlet on the lower cowl, and would be interested in any informatin anyone might have about it.

Is it a one off formed up item or is someone making them?

Name or contact information of the owner of the plane?


It's a long story but I had to make an alternate air inlet due to my prop backplate and cold air induction system.

The smiley face inlet started life from an F-1 Rocket but took a considerable amount of modification to work on my -8. In addition to the cowl inlet I had to fabricate a filter box. I uses a tapered K&N filter. I have photos and can provide additional details if you like. My e-mail is rickrv8 at msn.com.

And thanks for not asking what Twittepated means.