
Well Known Member
Having just got started, I'm curious about how much I should be documenting my building. I'm trying to take a photo each work session (some with me in the picture), recording in my instruction manual the date I complete each task, and I will be eventually having an EAA tech inspector see my project whenever possible, but is there something I need to be doing beyond this to satisfy the FAA when I try to get the airworthiness cert.

That should be more than enough. Actually, my FDSO inspector never even bothered to look at my documentation log on my RV-6. I know that others do look at the pictures. I think what they are most interested in are the pictures, rather than a building log with dates and time. They just want some indication that you were the builder.
That is fine. I used Kit Log and found it nice to record photos, log entries, expenses and doing the W&B.