David Paule

Well Known Member
I made a fiberglass avionics shelf for my RV-3B. Except for one part of it, the switch panel, it won't be visible unless the top cover is off, and there won't be any sunlight on it. The switch panel itself, which is part of the cockpit layout, will be painted.

Is there any reason at all to bother painting the avionics shelf itself?

FYI- for your next project, you can buy dye to mix in with your epoxy to make it any color you want. No painting required
Howdy Dave,

As further confirmation, my 1986 Glasair 1RG doesn't have paint on anything that isn't exposed to the sunlight on a regular basis. The guy who built my Glasair is a former neighbor here at Van Aire and has a reputation for being a really picky son-of-a-gun. I'm sure if paint was necessary he would've done it!
Given the craftsmanship seen so far, methinks David will be bothered, and paint it in a month or two ;)
I built it a while ago and so far it hasn't bothered me a whit.

I was just checking in to see if there was anything I missed, any reason to paint it.
