
Well Known Member
I use this tool to cut in a Cowl.

another pic

Another pic of Cowl Tool


this is an 0-360


this is an 0-320
there is no difference in engine size either can do the job of the other. I have a 360 and a 320 engine block.the red one is 360 and the gray one is 320
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My Cowl Tool makes the cowling easy.

I can send more pictures via E Mail if any one needs
jay-pratt at sbcglobal [dott] net
or 817 271 0594
This tool makes fitting a cowl pretty easy. I start with the bottom. Cut to the lower firewall. Next fit the sides. Once drilled and clecoed. Start fitting the top cowl.
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Cowl Tool - want to borrow...

I?m running out of parts to build on my -7 but want to keep forward progress while waiting for the engine. The engine mount is installed and the fuse is up on wheels. Plan is to install an IO-360-M1B.

I want to give this method a try to fit up the cowling but don?t have access to a crank case & crank. I tried a couple engine shops in FL, but no luck attaining so far

Anyone have one collecting dust they are willing to loan out for a month or two? I?d gladly pay shipping to central Florida.