
Well Known Member
I have purchased an RV4 and there is no value in the Ops Guide of the correct tire pressure, can anybody help?
Tire Presure

We have a -6 and sure if the pressures would be different than a -4.
We start off with between 35 and 40.....and watch the bulge from there.
We use the air stop tubes and they work well.
It is my understanding you don't want too much air in the tires as they are part of the landing cushion and hard tires can contribute to shimmy and bouncing.
Good Luck,
Bob Martin
I keep my GoodYears at 30#. I got the leakstop tubes also, and while it is better now, I still have to add air after about two or three weeks. The 6A next door had the same tubes at the same time, and he has to add nothing. Figures...

I checked the valves, and it's definately the tubes.

tire pressure

I checked my tire sticker, which said "recommended pressure" (big help) and then checked the documents which came with the wheels from Vans. The wheel papers said max of 31 psi. I choose to follow the wheel mfgr recommendations and use about 30 psi + OR - .5 psi. I've found that over that merely accentuates the bounciness of the Wittman gearlegs. Too much less and there is a risk of rolling the tire off the rim with an aggresive taxi turn. 30 psi also seems to give what appears to be the proper amount of "footprint" where the tire sits on the ground. Tire wear also has been excellent.
