Wow...interesting. I hadn't heard that.

It looks like Cirrus is just rebranding a pre-existing model though. It does lend credibility though to have Cirrus pushing LSA now.

I just got back from the news conference. I've written the story and you can find it here.

It was a pretty good piece of theater because Klapmeier spent a half hour talking about the VLJ market and then transitioned to the LSA quesiton saying, "we don't have time to build an LSA plane."

I thought, 'well, that's a pretty bad thing to say."

Then he said, "others are alrady doing it." In this case, the German company that they partnered with.

Anyway, read the story. Tell me if it makes sens.e
Cirrus SRS etc.

Actually they are going to do final assembly here in the states. Cirrus is changing a number of items like going to toe brakes etc. It should be a nice plane (it already is now) when they get done with their engineering mods. Personally though I like the Continental engine O-200D (on the Cessna) that has gone thru a number of mods for weight reduction. The SRS is a very light plane with excellent payload and baggage capacity.

I am really surprised how serious these companies are about LSA. It was just yesterday that only a few were even interested. I hope these models end up at the local fbo's here in Salt Lake for rent.

I also like the the VAN's RV-12 which is "true to type" for LSA. Just alot of good stuff out there for LSA. And Garmin making a panel, the 300, just for light sport! WOW.

These companies are serious about getting people interested in aviation.

And just consider - Cessna put a stick in the Skycatcher.
Control yoke...

rlundahl said:
And just consider - Cessna put a stick in the Skycatcher.
Well, not quite....
It's a single horn control yoke... :)
No floor mounting involved.... :D
gil in Tucsn