
I would like to know what everyone's thoughts are on this company. Has anyone built one? Or even just flown a completed one? I know someone trying to get into an airplane fast and cheap, and he's looking at this option. I'm a little concerned because I haven't heard much of anything about them. They claim a 200 hour build time, and they recently just came up with a two person version. Thoughts?
I would like to know what everyone's thoughts are on this company. Has anyone built one? Or even just flown a completed one? I know someone trying to get into an airplane fast and cheap, and he's looking at this option. I'm a little concerned because I haven't heard much of anything about them. They claim a 200 hour build time, and they recently just came up with a two person version. Thoughts?

My understanding has always been that this is a redesign of the Teeny 2 which has been around since at least the 70's.
I have seen adds in mags for years but have never run acrossed anyone building one. I would be highly suspect of the 200 hour build time. Something else that makes me suspect, is that most of the web site ( hat I found on a google search anyway) seems to have fractured links to all of its pages.
I don't remember specifics but I have read somewhere to avoid this company.
Tell your friend to look at the BK flyer. The BK stands for Bruce King and he has a website showing the building of two prototypes. It looks good and cheap to build. Kind of like a larger Hummel bird.

Jim Miller

The Tennie Two is a VW powered plane was sold in plans form by Popular Mechanics, Gary Watson modified it to make the Watson Wind Wagon powering it by sawing the VW in half, which was modified by Morry Hummel to make the Hummel bird also by sawing the VW in half. I have heard the Bradley is a minimal redesign of the Teenie Two.

They are currently advertising almost continuously on Ebay. Their 200 hour build time is most likely very optimistic. While the Tennie Two and the Hummel bird can probably be built for less than 10,000. It will probably only take a few hours less than building and RV, any money you save by not building an RV will be lost when you try to sell it. ( I bought a “flying” Tennie 2 for $1800 a few years ago). But most importantly what would you rather fly and which aircraft would you trust to haul you and your buddies an RV or a tennie two / bradley.
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