
Well Known Member
Team Rocket and Flyboy Accessories are super excited to share a couple photos of Brad Hood's brand new F4 Rocket II, fresh from the paint shop.


Brad chose Evoke Aviation in Gadsden, AL with expert painter Jonathon McCormick to apply Plane Schemer's eye-popping design. Brad says "My editorial is that Jonathon produced the most perfect paint job I've ever seen! And I'm the most finicky critic around!"

All I can say is that I can't wait to see it at the Team Rocket display area at Airventure 2017. We'll be in space 652, up on the north end of the display area, across from the homebuilt camping and near the Van's Aircraft's tent.

We are looking forward to hearing some F4 performance data too!!


Stop by our booth and check out Brad's stunning new airplane and see all of the new stuff that Team Rocket and Flyboy Accessories have to offer.
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Wow! Looks like it belongs to an airshow pilot. Can't blend in on the ramp with that one.

By the way, what is the difference between the F4 Rocket 2 and the F4 Raider?
This is a wonderful thing seeing a new rocket in the air again. Has there ever been a better looking aircraft?
By the way, what is the difference between the F4 Rocket 2 and the F4 Raider?


You can call them anything you want. Brad was working on his project independently of us, and long before we began producing new parts again.

Rocket II works great for Brad, but we chose to differentiate a bit from the Rocket name. It gets a bit messy having Harmon Rockets, F1 Rockets, Radial Rockets, and others, so to add another Rocket just didn't seem prudent to me.

However, as with any homebuilt, you can call it whatever you like.
Nice paint job... not sure about the blue, though 😉.

Must be a trend, here's mine.


Team Rocket and Flyboy Accessories are super excited to share a couple photos of Brad Hood's brand new F4 Rocket II, fresh from the paint shop.


Brad chose Evoke Aviation in Gadsden, AL with expert painter Jonathon McCormick to apply Plane Schemer's eye-popping design. Brad says "My editorial is that Jonathon produced the most perfect paint job I've ever seen! And I'm the most finicky critic around!"

All I can say is that I can't wait to see it at the Team Rocket display area at Airventure 2017. We'll be in space 652, up on the north end of the display area, across from the homebuilt camping and near the Van's Aircraft's tent.

We are looking forward to hearing some F4 performance data too!!


Stop by our booth and check out Brad's stunning new airplane and see all of the new stuff that Team Rocket and Flyboy Accessories have to offer.
The subject's paint is a little "loud" for my particular taste, buy it is nevertheless a great looking airplane. I have been forced to suffer with flying the -8 while my Rocket is undergoing upgrade to the SDS EFI and with hundreds of hours in each type I can even more enthusiastically endorse the Rocket cockpit as vastly superior to the -8 WRT pilot comfort. I just flew the -8 to Vegas last night and I was really longing for the luxurious real estate my Rocket provides. I understand why some might shy away from the overkill the 540 represents in the standard Rocket, but if you are going to go with a 4 banger, the F-4 deserves serious consideration.
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Awesome Paint Work

Vince wanted to post pics of my new F-4 fresh from the paint shop and I said ok only to showcase the phenomenal job Jonathon McCormick and his team did for me. I have a lot of experience in the warbird industry having managed Vintage Fighters for 25 years. We restored some remarkable WWII fighters and won Grand Champion multiple times with 2 Corsairs, P-47D, and the P-51. Our paint work was all done by the legendary Sky Harbour Aircraft Refinishing in Goderich Canada. When they finally ceased operations I was very concerned about finding a shop that could do the kind of great detail work that Sky Harbour had done. I met Jonathon a few years ago and he really impressed me! I have no interest in what colors people like or what scheme they prefer. This post was strictly to brag on Jonathon and his team! I am notoriously particular with all aspects of the build and especially the paint. Simply put, Jonathon's Evoke Aviation paint shop has done the best work I've seen and that's tough to do!
That plane is so sexy it's difficult for me to keep this post G rated.

Just let me say, congratulations on an outstanding looking aircraft. I showed one of the photos to a friend of mine and he said, "That's straight up Top Gun."
Great job Jonathan and crew! It is stunning! It's got some elements of Gary Ward's MX2 and is a direction I was considering when I was painting my airplane. Beautiful!!!
That is one beautiful plane! how do you get in and out without scratches on the wing root, fly in socks? :rolleyes:
Wow, that's truly one of the most beautiful kit-built airplanes I've ever seen. Congratulations to everyone involved.
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Congratulations To Brad and Planeschemer

They won Grand Champion Kit Homebuilt today!!!!
4 cylinder Rockets Rock!
Thanks to Vince Frazier and Mark Friedrick for their efforts to bring the F1/F4 kits back.
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Told you it was sweet.:D

Nice chatting with you.

Excellent build.
Love the paint.

Velocity yellow rocks.
