
Well Known Member
Any recommendations for an EAA tech counselor in the west palm beach, florida area.
The person I was hoping to use has moved to North Carolina. I'm building an rv-10 in Boynton Beach, FL. I'm actually pretty far along with the fuselage but better late than never.
I tried to contact the few people listed in the North Palm Beach Eaa chapter but my initial impressions were that they weren't that familiar with rv's.

Ideally, it would be someone located in driving range to KLNA (Lantana),

Thanks in advance,
Tom Hanaway
Boynton Beach, FL
Any recommendations for an EAA tech counselor in the west palm beach, florida area.
The person I was hoping to use has moved to North Carolina. I'm building an rv-10 in Boynton Beach, FL. I'm actually pretty far along with the fuselage but better late than never.
I tried to contact the few people listed in the North Palm Beach Eaa chapter but my initial impressions were that they weren't that familiar with rv's.

Ideally, it would be someone located in driving range to KLNA (Lantana),

Thanks in advance,
Tom Hanaway
Boynton Beach, FL

I am the TC located in Brooksville, FL, KBKV.
Here's the eaa link. I'm sure you can find someone more local.

Hello Tom, I'm in the West Palm Beach area about 1 mile south of the airport. I sent you a PM. I'm not a tech counselor but I am an AP/IA. If you twist my arm really hard I might just come on over to take a look :)
Brian Wallis
Tom, I am in Palm Beach most every weekend with my job. I am an EAA Tech Counselor, A&P and IA. I have a RV-4 flying and a RV-8 almost complete. I would love to give you a visit as I am always looking for something to do while there. Please let me know if I can help.

Randy Hooper
I'd be happy to take a look if you don't find someone closer. I'm based out of Hollywood (HWO) but I could fly up and meet you at LNA for a visit and lunch?
Send me a PM.

Eddy Fernandez
EAA Tech counselor
RV9A 360 hrs tt
Re-peat offender!