
Well Known Member
Just riveted the VS spar together today, and when I finished I noticed that the top hinge brackets' holes don't align with the other two (not even close - they stick out much farther). Anyone have any thoughts? The only thing I can think of is that maybe the wrong brackets were included in the kit - or is this the way it should be??

VS Hing Brackets

The VS-410, VS-411 and VS-412 are three different sizes by design. However, when mounted, the holes for the AN3 bolts should aling up.

Hold up the spar and sight throught the holes. If you can't see end to end then something is wrong. Check the plans I believe that they call out the dimension of each hing.

Good luck.

They are laterally aligned; the top bracket projects aft probably 1/8" - 1/4" more than the other two. There is really no way to put them in the wrong order, as the holes are prepunched and they wouldn't fit. I also checked to make sure that I didn't inadvertently rivet on one of the brackets from the HS. The plans don't specifically mention the dimensions as far as I can tell... I'm thinking that either the top hinge or the bottom two are a wrong part...

I guess this requires a call to Van's...

Hinge Dimensions

From a preview plan set dated 3/14/96


Height of hinges are as follows

VS-410 1 3/4

VS-411 1 19/32

VS-412 1 9/16

Good Luck.


Thanks for the post.

My 412PP is 1 5/8 - the other two are correct...
I'm sure the part was stickered with 412PP when I inventoried the kit ... I'll have to see what Van's says.
