
doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
Palmetto Flight Practice YouTube Video (9min 55sec)
...commentary sent to me by James Clark

The pilots are from South Carolina (Ken and me) and North Carolina (Len and Ron). There are three other pilots who practice with us regularly and sometimes we fortunate enough to get some serious workouts with "TeamRV". That practice was near the border of the two states early one Saturday morning and was flown later in the middle of SC and then again in the southern part of SC (with smoke that was not used in the practice)! Amazing what one can do in an RV!
"It all started some months ago when the FBO manager of a very nearby airport asked if there was any chance the local RV folks could do a fly by and have the RVs on display for a little while at an upcoming "open house".

SURE!! I said, knowing that "Palmetto Flight" at the time would be glad to have additional motivation to practice. :) Sure enough the gang also said yes when approached. But later there was to be a little "problem".

You see, our buddy Lee Logan down at Ridgeland, SC was also planning a special event ... The "Race to Ridgeland" (a unique approach to a local fly-in). And last year in the fall, I helped by running to the "prototype" race to see if there were any bugs in the process. (Depending on how you counted my timing, I was either first or third. Not bad.) But Lee's event is ALSO on the 13th and Lee has heard that we had been practicing so he asked if there was any chance "Palmetto Flight" could swing by. What's a buddy to say but ...ahhhhh SURE(!). :)

Thanks to Ken, we had a proposed routine based on what we were working from last year. And since Ken, Len, Bill and I had worked parts of this before, we knew that we needed to clean up some of our rough edges, meaning we needed more PRACTICE.

As things would conspire though, getting in practice had been difficult **AND** a new positive wrinkle pops up. Ron Schreck (ex-fighter pilot with a BAZILLION hours in formation) is willing to fly with us in "Miss Izzy" (his beautiful RV8). Wow! We can now have a 5-ship! But again we need more PRACTICE.

So off to KLKR - Lancaster, SC we go (quickly becoming one of our favorite airports as the "Lady in Charge" always makes sure there are burgers and dogs (or steaks) available for us if we stop by for lunch and coffeee and doughnuts if we stop by for breakfast.). For a non-morning person, an 8:30 AM Saturday practice session at an airport some distance away (up near the NC/SC border) is not my cup of tea.

I think there were odds on whether I would be there on time. :- ) (I was!!)

We are to BRIEF, WALK, FLY, DE-Brief the 5-ship routine. And then FLY it AGAIN and de-brief. Then we would fly to KFDW and fly the routine at the open house.

Of course things don't go exactly as planned. We get a phone call. "2" has a problem with his plane and is enroute to the airport via 4 wheeler to add moral support. We are now back to a 4-ship. No problem. As "Lead" I had printed out copies of BOTH routines (4-ship and 5-ship). We would adjust.

First practice, GREAT! Next practice, well let's just say not as good but pass-able.

It is now about 11:15 so off to KFDW we go, (to do the routine exactly at 11:30 as planned) and even though the (non-aviation oriented) announcer got a few things mixed up it seemed to be well received by the audience.

I must say that all the practice is worth it when a person walks up to you and says "you guys did great". Even though we might have beat ourselves up in the de-briefs, the people on the ground liked it! And that is good.

My buddy Doug took the time to come to the practice and VIDEO tape the practice *and* go to KFDW to tape the event. Let's just say we have "evidence" for our next get together. [Yes, I know my time is coming.]

Thanks goes to Chris the FBO manager for helping us out with the gas (it is still expensive). He said he appreciated the time and effort we put in and the cost we incurred for gas to come up to help with aviation in his area.

We have some burgers, BBQ and Italian sausages to fill our bodily tanks and then fill the aircraft tanks and off we go to Ridgeland.

I had planned to run the race and gather some data for a software effort I will share with everyone at a later (appropriate) time. But by now, we will have a strong headwind, it will be very bumpy and *oh*, I think I have a vibration in the prop that I just refinished at annual. [I **know** there is a vibration!] So we launch as a 4-ship (with Bill as my passenger ... gotta keep the flight team together) to Ridgeland.

We arrive at Ridgeland right at 2:00 and go right into our routine. Our buddy Lee clears the pattern so we can do our 20 minutes of RV ballet. Much fun was had by all even though it WAS BUMPY!

Now even though this time was not our best (we were getting tired I think and it was getting bumpier), another one of those nice things occurred after we landed. We had to back taxi in trail and there we people to direct us to parking but for some reason we were about to be sent to the wrong place. What that meant was that we taxiied the entire length of the runway and half way back before we were to get to the right place. And along the way, the locals we APPLAUDING as we passed!! Now that was nice. We did not do it for the applause. We do it because we want to do it and be good at it. But to have people show such appreciation for something we do just because was heartwarming.

Now, I did not get to run the race and win the big trophy (would not have won anyway :) ) but someone from our gang ***DID*** win a BIG trophy. I will not spill the beans. I'll let HIM tell you about it. :)

You all missed a great event put on my Lee and the crew. Lot's of fun and food. Lots of vintage bi-planes (and of course RVs and their "cousins", the Grummans) Did I mention he is moving "up" from an RV4 to an F1 Rocket! Beautiful workmanship going on in that hangar!

On the way home, Tad tagged along as the "5th" plane with Bill riding along coaching. You looked great out there Tad once you settled in. Just take it a step at a time. And we (you and I) **will** get some practice time together! Can you say 6-ship???? Radomir rode with Len and as usual, got some great shots (see his email on such).

Just before entering Columbia, airspace, Ken and I take "Palmetto Flight of 2" on to KCUB and Ron takes "Mustang Flight of 3" northbound to North Carolina. I hope everyone made it back back home safely.

It was a good day. Good flying, good fun, good food, GREAT people!
