
Well Known Member
I don't want to hear any more "When are you gonna paint it?" questions. I'm still having no trouble finding ways to CHOP into my plane. For example...here's where I mounted the 396's GPS & XM antennas, and the Roady2's antenna:


Totally out of sight, out of mind, great reception & field of view (unless I'm inverted), no wires, no magnetic bases!

So you guys with PAINTED planes and cluttered cockpits, I don't wanna hear it anymore! I'll paint the darn thing when I'm DONE with it. Or the guy I sell it to will paint it.

)_( Dan
RV-7 N714D (660 hours)
dan said:
I'll paint the darn thing when I'm DONE with it. Or the guy I sell it to will paint it.

)_( Dan
RV-7 N714D (660 hours)

Now THAT's a good quote! Pray tell....is there mayhaps another RV in your future?!?!? I can't imagine what your Rocket or RV-10 website will look like :)


P.S. My RV6 is nearly unpainted as well....resale white with a white stripe!
dan said:
I don't want to hear any more "When are you gonna paint it?" questions...................................

Boy, Ain't that the truth! That question has got to share top billing with the often heard builder's question "Nice airplane.....when you gonna be finished?"

Since the 396 has XM radio, I'm curious why you also have the Roadie? Does the music degrade the 396 performance? Can you even run the 396 with the music going in the background? Just like gadgets? ;)

I've got a 196 and I'm trying to justify upgrading.
Keeping the Roady2

Well, the 396 does have a perfectly good XM radio. Still, I'm keeping the Roady2. I like being able to have the instantaneous ability to shut off the music (click the Roady2's power button), change the channel, etc.

With the 396, it takes many more clicks and a couple of screen changes just to get to the XM channel selection. Lowering/raising the volume is pretty easy -- just click the power button once, then click up/down a few times. But it's still more clicking than I'd rather do for simple stuff.

The Roady2 is super light, consumes negligible power, and is quicker to mess with. So for now it stays.

)_( Dan
RV-7 N714D

How does your XM subscription work with both the Roady and 396? Do you have to pay a "per user" fee or a "per unit" fee? I hope you just have to pay one monthy fee to have both.

PS - where'd you put the 396 on your panel?

Pay per XM device

Unfortunately, you'll pay for your XM stuff on a per-device basis. We have three XM radios (396, Roady2, wife's Roady2), so we do the family plan thing and save a little money there.

Here's where I mounted the 396. I swapped my 3 1/8" Pictorial Pilot for a 2 1/4", which is now installed in the upper left (not shown yet in the photo):


)_( Dan
RV-7 N714D