
I'm New Here
Hello guys,
I am about to make the jump from RC flying to RV building.... the -4 (although smaller) is the only one that has my interest. If you were in my shoes, how would you have made it easier?

I made the same jump... from big time RC building/flying to now working on FWF of a -7A.

Just go out and visit some local projects and maybe get some hands on time is a good way to get your feet wet. And if they give you a ride, then be prepared to order your kit the same day.

Anyway, you may want to consider building one of the newer pre-punched kits (RV-7/8/9/10). A nice treat for the first time builder.
I started RC too, then got my rating and an RV-3 7 years ago. While I like the tailwheel, nothing says I'm so cool like running over a runway light at an airshow... I've done it and so has my friend (he did it at OSH)

In all honesty, I like the -4, but the -8A really is a better plane. Hold more stuff, goes faster, is tricycle. Hard to beat all that. If I had to do over again, I would have.
