
Well Known Member
I'm going to fiddle with smaller engine-mounted pressure transducers to connect my EIS-3000. The pressure sender manufactures make a much smaller transducer that the clunky cans I've seen used.

This is an expensive example, but this is what I'm thinking.

Has anyone else done anything like this and have pointers?


Bruce Meacham
RV-4 N254MM
Engine mounted
small pressure senders

BruceMe said:
The pressure sender manufactures make a much smaller transducer that the clunky cans I've seen used.
Bruce, when you find a decent, small, inexpensive sender, please let me know. The price on the VDO "oil cans" are good, but they are really big. In most places it doesn't matter, but I have one place where I'd really like to have a mini like the one at the end of your link. However, 155 is a bit much...
Sender Snobbery

BruceMe said:
I'm going to fiddle with smaller engine-mounted pressure transducers to connect my EIS-3000. The pressure sender manufactures make a much smaller transducer that the clunky cans I've seen used.

This is an expensive example, but this is what I'm thinking.

Has anyone else done anything like this and have pointers?

Respectfully, Bruce Meacham, RV-4 N254MM Engine mounted
Bruce this is a crazy ridiculous idea. :D :rolleyes: I am laughing because I had the same idea with my GRT EIS-4000. However I came to me senses about my senders. The VDO IS NOT THAT BIG. They are really not that big and there is no reason not to use them. You have way lots-O-room under the cowl to fit the VDO senders.

As <Dayton Murdock> asked, Why? Look you have plenty of room. They are perfectly "sized" electronically for the EIS. Do you actually have them in hand or are you just looking at a brochure, because they are really not that big. As far as the car relationship, think of them as Porsche, Mercedes or BMW senders.

GRT uses them because of cost, no doubt, and they work well. I priced some high end industrial pressure transducers when I had my carzy idea. I say transducers because when you start to pay $70-$120 of something that does the same thing as a $25 "sender", you have to give it a fancy name. Don't be a sender snob. :D :p

Take Care; use what you got; it works, cheap and gets you into the air faster. Your airplane will not go faster, fly better, be cheaper or lighter* with expensive "transducers". *(lighter = a weight more than a few grams).

Cheers George
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It is a bit crazy. But the main reason I want the smaller senders is that I dont have to remote the oil pressure and fuel pressure sensors. It is easier, better & cheaper to directly screw them into the ports on the engine.

VDO sensors are too large and have too much mass to be directly mounted on the engine safely. Can you do it? Of course, we can do pretty much any stupid thing we want so long as there's "EXPERIMENTAL" placarded in big letters in the cabin. But if you do directly mount those big VDO sensors, you risk vibration snapping them right off. Those smaller sensors I left links for definately wouldn't have that problem. They are also much easier to find room for directly on the engine.

Because the EIS I have is configurable, I can program the box to accept the different sensors.

It's just another of my crazy idea... (like building a plane)

N254MM (FWF)
Danger Will Robinson!

BruceMe said:
It is a bit crazy. But the main reason I want the smaller senders is that I don't have to remote the oil pressure and fuel pressure sensors. It is easier, better & cheaper to directly screw them into the ports on the engine.

....if you do directly mount those big VDO sensors, you risk vibration snapping them right off. Those smaller sensors I left links for definitely wouldn't have that problem.

Because the EIS I have is configurable, I can program the box to accept the different sensors. (YOU THINK?)

-Bruce N254MM (FWF)

Two sound clip links below don't work direct SO Copy N Past to NEW page address box:

Seriously, I think the idea is great (because I also had it :rolleyes: ), but the effort to mount the sender direct, although noble has little value added and may not work well.

Your link:
I see it needs 10vdc. Now you will now need a regulated supply. Also it cost $155.00. Also you think it is good for FUEL and HOT oil? Not so sure, sound like air (pressure/vacuum) sensing. Keeping even if it does work, keep in mind it makes no differnce to the EIS4000 and you increased cost by 6 or 7 times. Don't forget about the power supply.

The EIS, the OIL PRESSURE and OIL TEMP are fixed inputs. I don't recall you can adjust (SF and Offset) like the Aux input. The only pressure sender on the AUX inputs is the fuel sender.

The oil pressure port near the engine mount (typical location for sender) is hard enough to make fit with just an AN fitting.

Also don't certain that the darn small sender will not break off anyway. If the threads are cut and not rolled they are subject to fatigue cracks. From the 10g spec and small size i ASS-U-ME it will not break. Good luck :rolleyes:

If you find a sender it will cost the $155 or more. I just don't see the real advantage except looks.

Use AN hardware and hoses. Mount the VDO senders on the engine mount or firewall, use a short teflon stainless braid hoses and some AN fittings and your good to go. The EIS has the 5vdc for the VDO, which are after all designed for piston engines.

(click direct)

George :D (just messing with you, Cheers)
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