
Well Known Member
I'm traveling through Ireland for the next couple of weeks, planning to catch the NW200 and then flying over to the IoM for the TT. I'm driving while waiting for my motorcycle to arrive.

Anyone flying an RV or Rocket in Ireland? I'm touring just now and if you wouldn't mind, I'd love to drop by and compare building notes and flying experiences in your country. Just leave a private message with phone number if possible and I'll check in with you. For reference, I have an F1 Rocket (I was the builder). Don't know if there are any Rockets here or not, but I'm missing mine already!

Yeah Ive been Rocket sitting since Lee's been gone. Rocket make funny noises. Its moaning---fly me--fly me. :eek::D
But---its little brother is taking shape behind it!!
Thanks for the info Vlad. Some nice looking airplanes. The tiny-building build was a kick!
Thanks for the info Vlad. Some nice looking airplanes. The tiny-building build was a kick!
Hello Lee,

I am based in EITT in Meath and built EI-EEO, RV71700. We have a small but active RV community in Ireland, but to Rockets I am afraid. Permit aircraft in Ireland are governed under the auspices of ILAS, Irish Light Aviation Society. www.ilas.ie


Drop me a line and let me know your movements.

Andrew Butler.
Andrew: Thanks for checking in. I'm down in the southwest right now, headed up for the NW200 next week. I'll be heading back to Dublin after that, so perhaps I can drop by. Would love to see your ship and compare notes. I'll send you a PM when I figure out the best timing.


Headed north toward County Clare this morning...Cliffs of Moher, etc and then continuing on up. Will take in the NW200 next week...

Headed north toward County Clare this morning...Cliffs of Moher, etc and then continuing on up. Will take in the NW200 next week...


Used to do the NW200 many many years in a row before I moved state side, street racing is crazy but he smell of a two stroke engine is difficult to resist. One weekend we slept 13 in one of those VW campers... Don't ask !!!

My old home airport, EGAD is at the top of Strangford lough and might be worth a stop, probably only 30 mins south of Portrush where the NW200 is held.

Google my username and you can see the area.
Thanks for the heads up on EGAD. Don't know if I will make it back that way. I already went through Belfast earlier in my trip. If you're ever down in South Carolina in the Low Country, stop in at Ridgeland Airport (3J1). If I'm there, a Rocket ride is on me! If I'm still traveling, check with anyone and tell them I owe you a ride. We have some pretty cool airplanes there, including some real classics (Waco, Stearman, Fairchild, etc) and a bunch of RV's and other homebuilts.
