Well Known Member
Hello RV friends,
Planning my second visit to New Zealand with my 20 yr old son before he gets to busy with his adult life and it would be great to meet up with some fellow RV folks and maybe have a flight or two, at my expense of course, Our plan is to arrive early Dec. and stay about 3 weeks . No itinerary , just looking to enjoy your incredibly awesome country and do some fishing, hiking, kayaking and surfing . Our plan is to hire a caravan for the entire stay as I did on our previous visit. Any local advice would be greatly appreciated. I know this is a busy time with holidays and all but this is the time we have allotted so we will just have try and navigate to the paths less beaten and maintain a budget ,hence local knowledge needed. Last trip was to the North this time we would like to spend a good bit of time to the South Island .
Cheers , Andy Tyler N558AZ KMQI.
I did actually from a gentleman in the far south and while we were in Raglan camping one of the first things a saw was an RV7A landing and the grass strip by the beach . The strip was very rough, i would have not felt comfortable landing my A there. Im sure all the tail wheel guys will gloat over that but im glad i have my 9A because ive been taking off and landing in some very challenging cross winds lately and The 9A is doing just fine.