Hi folks I have been in Vans Airforce forum from a time but i think this is my first real post! I buy an RV-9A started by other person, and I have been working in the airplane for 2 years now, I start painting some parts, I will try to post the best I can on pictures and guys if you have any advice they are welcome! this is my first RV and I hope is not the last one!
By the way some one can tell me how to upload pictures here?
Thank in advance!
Quite a few of us use Flickr as the image hosting site. You upload your picture to your Flickr account and then simply copy a link from Flickr and past it here. Here are the steps.

Step 1 - Upload your pictures

how to upload 1 by Jereme Carne, on Flickr

Step 2 - Click the link to share. You can also change the size of the picture you want to share in here.

how to upload 2 by Jereme Carne, on Flickr

Step 3 - Copy the link after selecting picture size and past it into your post on VAF.

how to upload 3 by Jereme Carne, on Flickr

I hope this helps. After doing it a few times it just becomes natural.
There, that was easy, just use the embed - BBCCode, resize to 800,copy the link and then post using the insert picture tool.

[/url]DSC00972 by Edwin Medina, on Flickr[/IMG]