Could someone tell me the complete 6a airframe kit cost in the year 2000. Both the wings and fuse were quickbuild. No accessories, just the kit.

Mike Stephenson
photoadjuster said:
Could someone tell me the complete 6a airframe kit cost in the year 2000. Both the wings and fuse were quickbuild. No accessories, just the kit.

$21,643 for 6-A QB kit

There is a website, , that has been taking "snapshots" of internet sites for at least the last 10 years. If you ever want to know what a web site looked like in the past, you should try the resource first. I plugged in Van's website and selected March 2, 2000 snapshot to get the above number. Here's the link the number came from:
Too Cool!

I had forgotten about that website. That is too cool! The internet is (can be) a wonderful thing.