Tom McCutcheon

Well Known Member
I am retrofitting the new style gear leg fairings to my 1988 RV-4. The instructions refer to the plans that I don't have. The new metal fairings come with a hinge pin. Does anyone have a picture or any input as to how to make these up and install them. Any Help would be appreciated.
I'll bet if you call Van's they'll send you a sheet from a set of plans. The plans are really quite good on those parts. Just tell them what you are up to. I'd send you a copy of mine, but I wouldn't know how to reduce and copy them!

Van's may send you a sheet from the preview plans. Nice size.

gear fairings-metal?

I retrofitted new gear leg fairings on my -6......
I ordered the kit/parts from Vans and it came with the fiberglass pieces and hinges and even rivets. Included were full size template drawings showing the trim lines for a given model. The sheets even showed alignment details.
Seems to me there were 2 pages.
I'm confused when you refer to "new metal" fairings???
I also bought upper and lower intersection fairings from BobsFairings and Aero-something......I think Vans sells the intersection fairings now too.
Good Luck.
Bob Martin