
Well Known Member
As of today N761GS now has 29 hours of flight time. Phase 1 “Task Based Testing" was completed at the 25 hour point. This build is very stable and flys wonderfully hands off. Dynon two axis autopilot has proven to been the hidden gem of this build. Lately I'm enabling autopilot at about 500 feet after takeoff. Sending a flight plan from ForeFlight on my iPhone to the Dynon HDX and then enabling the flight plan in Dynon once airborne is a real treat. Seeing other traffic on screen with ADSB-In is very reassuring.

The annual Petti Jean RV fly-in of 2023 aligned with the 10 hour point of Phase 1 and was within my testing area, win-win. Arrived at Petti Jean airport Friday afternoon and departed Sunday morning. Packed 80# of camping gear in the baggage area of the RV and another Task Based item was checked off for plane performance. No surprises in handling. Used flight following during the one hour flight to and from Petti Jean. Squawk 1, carbon monoxide alarm went off (over 100ppm) when turning base to Petti Jean. Cabin air cleared after a minute. Later troubleshooting showed some air leaks to the cabin around the main gear leg fairings. Sealed those up with RTV.

Since the Petti Jean trip numerous other short trips have been made with more tasks completed in the EAA Task Based flight guide. Testing at various weight and loading configurations, fore and aft of CG have not revealed any unusual tendencies. Stalls are almost non-events as the plane exhibits more of a buffet than a full on wing over stall with altitude loss of less than 100 feet. Recovery is simple, stick forward slightly. Flights were made to some area airports ( El Dorado) in the interest of memories of “firsts” from when I was working on my Private Pilots license in 1982.

At the 25 hour point and the completion of all tasks in the EAA Task Handbook N761GS was signed off as initial Phase 1 complete. The next several weekends had Saturday trips to Mt. Pleasant, Tx to the on-field Mid America Flight Museum. Then to Sulphur Springs and lunch at the Red Barn which is on my $100 hamburger trip list. A trip was made to Shreveport Downtown which was another memory from my ppl training in 1982. This trip was the first time N761GS entered Class C airspace. Always interesting to fly near Barksdale Airforce base and their B-52s. Side note, transponder/static/pitot test was completed and signed off a month earlier.

As of today 12/10/2023 seven quarts of mineral oil remain in the engine out of eight used to fill the engine before 1st engine start in August 2023. I'm very please with oil burn of less than a quart over 29 hours. Once tach time clicks over to 25 hours I plan on changing oil and filter which will probably be in the next 30 days or so. It's getting dark early and also colder so my flight time is somewhat limiting.

I do have a Winter Squawk list to work on. The major item is troubleshooting the engine stumble issue below 1,200 rpm's once the engine/cowl area is warm. I suspect the firewall mounted cabin heat valve is dumping very hot air right at the mechanical fuel pump and as a result cause bubbles in the fuel lines. Going to divert the heat down toward the bottom exit of the cowl. Side note, the cabin heat is OVERLY hot when pulled full on. I plan on putting a wireless temp sensor on the cabin heat valve and also one at the exit of the oil cooler. According to some on Vans Airforce they use the lower half of the oil cooler for cabin heat. This could possibly lower the heat level of the cabin heat valve when closed.

One other Winter Squawk is to remove and replace the left wing fuel sending unit. I had trouble with it sticking when doing the Dynon fuel level calibration in July. It is now stuck in the "full" position.

The build is never finished, right?

Still can't believe…
I own an airplane
I built the airplane I own
I made the first flight in this airplane I own and built


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