
Well Known Member
I'm installing a second comm in a 15+ year old 9-A that has an exsting Welen HDACF strobe set up. The antenna is an Archer going into the left wingtip.

My question, is it ok to run the RG-400 coaix for the new comm in the same 3/4" conduit that the existing strobe wires are in?

Rv-9A 90625
I suspect the coax will not be a problem. However if you are installing a wingtip comm antenna I'd mount it aft of the Nav/Strobes. This is counter to the instructions that come with the Archer antenna. Mounting to the outboard rib instead of glassing it into the wingtip is also recommended. You want the first third of the antenna (the part that goes away from the rib) to be as vertical as possible. The attached photo is a horizontal homebrew VOR antenna modified to use the maximum wingtip width.

I assume you recognize this antenna will not offer the best performance.
Thanks Carl. I do realize the decreased efficiency off the Archer. This will be for comm #2. Comm #1 already has a belly whip.

Fiberglass wingtips are mounted with screws through top and bottom wing skins. Nutplates with doublers installed inside the fiberglass tips. I was thinkng of sandwitching it between the doublers and the nutplates. I like the idea of the wingtip and antenna comming of as a unit rather than the ground being fixed to the end rib and the other end attached to the fiberglass tip somehow.

Thanks for the confidence on the wire routing.
