
Well Known Member
Does anyone know if the Dynon Skyview has the ability to monitor anything (other than tach) coming off of P-mags, similar to say an EI Commander? Is there any benefit to wiring up the TX/RX ports from the P-mags to the Dynon EMS-220 or similar?
Unless there has been a recent software update that I don’t know about…no. I have talked with programmers from all of the EFIS manufactures about P-Mag data display, and most have said “they’d look into it”, but none have done anything yet. I chatted most recently with Greg from GRT about it at SnF, and he seemed interested - but we’ll see.
P-Mag temps

Does anyone know if the Dynon Skyview has the ability to monitor anything (other than tach) coming off of P-mags, similar to say an EI Commander? Is there any benefit to wiring up the TX/RX ports from the P-mags to the Dynon EMS-220 or similar?

I went an added a couple thermocouple probes to display the P-Mag case temps.

General Purpose Thermocouple

You may configure the SV-EMS-220 to monitor two J or K type thermocouples in addition to the twelve thermocouples available on the SV-EMS-220's D25 connector. Note that the SV-EMS-221 uses these four pins for Rotax 912 is communication, and, therefore, these pins are not available for thermocouple use on the SV-EMS-221. Dynon Avionics does not supply a specific general purpose thermocouple sensor for this purpose. However, our standard EGT and CHT sensors will work, as will any other J or K type thermocouple. They go into pins 27, 28, 36, and 37.

I programmed the EMS, and put a couple widgets on my screen. I didn’t get a chance to fly my plane yet and see what it displays in flight, but will later next week. I just stuck them on next to the temp sticker.

This is what I got.


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Hi Reaver,

you might want to look into a product called enginebridge (I've got no affiliation with them except being a potential customer once I reach that state):

It can send out information about advance angle, temperature and dwell times as a 0-5 V signal which can be connected to analog inputs of the EFIS. What I'm not yet sure about is how many extra analog inputs the skyview system has available.

One thing the EI Commander does but the enginebridge unit can't is checking for "timing divergence" (basically measuring if both P-Mags are firing in sync).