David Paule

Well Known Member
What's a good way to transfer microballoons from their open bag to the mixing cup?

The way I did it yesterday, they float all over the place.

I use

I use a measuring spoon and a respirator. Still need to be careful but as an added benefit, I always know about how much I need to add to get a particular viscosity...
When I received them, I emptied them into an old coffee can with a lid. I then use a teaspoon to dip out what I want and put in the mixing cup.
Don't know if this good technique or not ... I cut up a 16 oz water bottle so I have a 2" plastic "scoop" that I leave in the bag. Scoop some microballs into the bottle bottom not overfilling and pour them into the epoxy as desired. Seemed to work well.
What's a good way to transfer microballoons from their open bag to the mixing cup?

The way I did it yesterday, they float all over the place.


I transfer the content of the bag into an old coffee can as final container. This then makes it easier to scoop a small amount without making a huge amount of chemical dust. A large Tuggerware will work as well.

First thing I did was save three windshield washer fluid bottles. Peel the labels, wash, dry and label them micro, cab-o-sil and flox. Cut the top off a water bottle to use as a funnel. Scoop and transfer. Wear a respirator. I happen to have an old micro bottle from RC days but any bottle with a spout will work for daily dispensing. Mine looks like this...
I keep one just like it in the shop filled with starch. It works great for slipping on Nitrile gloves.
I keep mine in a mason jar and use a table spoon. Although Dan's idea is better because I have found a mason jar to be a little on the small side.
If you have a swimming pool or friends who have one, lots of chemicals come in 1 gallon (or so) plastic containers with a 4-6" opening at the top and a screw on cap. I use those to hold micro, cabosil, and flox.
I use some kitchen storage containers from Wal mart. A clear jar with molded handle and large opening screw top. Suitable for getting a fist in there. Although the larger ones store better the smaller (same cross section and top) ones are easier to dispense nearing empty. A 2 oz protein powder scoop, coffee scoop and/or small plastic spoons (won't sink) work well depending on the batch size. They are cheap and not on line, just in the store. $3 range.

Experience says respirator filter. Flox, micro, cabosil, chopped glass, all got containers.

You know this already, but as a reminder, you really don't want to breath that stuff (or anything else like it). Anyone that's seen a loved one with lung problems won't have any trouble finding the motivation to put on a respirator.