Ivan Kristensen

Well Known Member
I have just had my RV-14A final inspection for tomorrow canceled, the inspector citing Covid-19 as the reason. No new date was offered. Just wondering if anyone knows of this as a new MD-RA policy country wide or just isolated to a single inspector here is South Central Ontario?

Its individual inspector. He/She has all paperwork and flight auth forms so if they can't come someone else can't just hop on it quickly.
Sorry to hear Ivan. I had my pre-close inspection done during the height of the first wave. My local inspector came out and we took proper precautions. Not sure if it is a MDRA mandate or up to the individual inspector. I was concerned at the time that it might be delayed.

Sorry to hear Ivan. I had my pre-close inspection done during the height of the first wave. My local inspector came out and we took proper precautions. Not sure if it is a MDRA mandate or up to the individual inspector. I was concerned at the time that it might be delayed.

It is a recommendation from Transport Canada and the inspectors final choice
I have just had my RV-14A final inspection for tomorrow canceled, the inspector citing Covid-19 as the reason. No new date was offered. Just wondering if anyone knows of this as a new MD-RA policy country wide or just isolated to a single inspector here is South Central Ontario?

My friend has an inspection booked for his Rocket Feb 6 at CNC3 Brampton. No issue from this inspector. Another friend with an imported 8 at CZBA Burlington has been speaking with his inspector. He hasn't booked yet as he is getting his paperwork in order but no issues have been raised by his inspector either. I would just request another inspection.
It truly is up to the individual inspector, based on their personal risk tolerance. Transport has provided guidance which, if followed, would completely shut down inspections. MD-RA is doing its best to leave some discretion to the inspectors.

Keep in mind many of the inspectors are far from being young people, thus their risk tolerance levels might differ from younger folks.

No matter how you cut it, MD-RA is doing its best to support builders during a time when many aspects of society are completely shut down.