
Well Known Member
Flew down to Boise, ID just before Memorial Weekend 2017. Reason was to pick up my RV that was "stranded" there during a flight back to Alaska.

Purchased my RV-6 on-line. Through VAF was able to get a good pre-buy inspection done. Then during the last week of March 2017 I flew down by airline to get it.

After 5-hours for a PIC check ride (insurance qualification) I left Jackson, CA for Phoenix, AZ.

After visiting friends and relatives all over the western states, I headed back to Alaska.

1st attempt found me stranded in La Grande, OR due to 0/0 clouds and 45-mph winds. After 4-days was able to climb over some nasty weather, fly back to Boise, ID jumped on an airliner for the flight back to work. The RV was parked, until Memorial weekend for another attempt for the flight to Alaska.

During this time I met Rockwood here at VAF and he graciously volunteered to bring some tools so I could look the RV over. Spent an afternoon in the hot sun doing just that.

Saying my good-byes, flew to Burley, ID to spend the night at a friends and visit my sister.

Next day loaded up, flew to Gooding, ID (cheap fuel) before flying direct over the Idaho mountains to Arlington, WA for a fuel stop.

Left Arlington for Orcas Island, WA. Spent the night camping at the camp site there. Nice hot shower the next morning, fuel topped off, shaking the wings to get rid of air bubbles etc...

Around 8:45am took off heading direct to Petersburg, AK. Took several videos, but my normal photo camera was buried in a backpack behind the seat. No photos but here are a few videos of what the British Columbia coastal mountains look like from 12,500 ft on a nice sunny day.

Please note: flying and videoing at the same time means you don't get to look through the view finder to focus and center your subject; in other words what you see is what you get, these are raw videos that have not been edited.

Here is a video of a single day trip in my RV-6.

The first one posted is 414-Statute Miles from Petersburg, not quite half way.

here is the link:

Best regards,
Mike Bauer
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Border Crossing: Canada to Alaska

Short video showing what it looks like when leaving Canada and crossing into Alaska.

Mention center on the radio. For this flight, had requested flight following. Great way to travel this part of the world. Helped to get Altimeter setting updates. One big advantage was knowing that the Comox, BC area where the Canadian Snowbirds Practice, was ok to fly over. No show today!

182-miles to Petersburg!

Here is the link:

Best regards,
Mike Bauer
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44-Miles To Petersburg (PAPG)

44.4 Miles to Petersburg (PAPG), Alaska. 12 o'clock you can see a mountain with snow cap, Petersburg is in the valley nook you can see between the base of the snow capped and the slightly closer ridgeline to the water.

Here is the link:

Notice it is starting to cloud up. A couple of more videos to go.

Best regards,
Mike Bauer
More Video of Mt Crillon

Mt Crillon is a huge mountain. Mount Crillon drops 9,000 feet (2,700 m) in less than 4 mi (6.4 km) on both its north and west faces. It is part of the Saint Elias Mountains. Mt Crillon is located in Glacier Bay National Park.

Don't know how many downhill ski, but check those numbers against your favorite ski area!

This is a fairly long video, could not help myself, this mountain is absolutely amazing! As I pass on the West side, you can see the sunlit peaks to the East.

Mount Fairweather is the peak obscured in cloud to the North. Next video will show more of it.


Best regards,
Mike Bauer
Fairweather mountain to Yakutat

Leaving Fairweather Mountain and almost to Yakutat. Will land at Yakutat, top the tanks off and fly across Prince William Sound to get to Kenai. Anyway that is what the plan is.

One last look at Fairweather Mountain.

Here is the link:

After leaving Yakutat, the weather went bad fast, ended up at 2000' crossing Prince William Sound in and out of light mist. Carb heat was on the whole way, finally was able to fly through the pass at Portage. Once over Turnagin Arm, weather improved to 8500 bkn.

Was too busy flying in moderate turbulence to video any of the remaining flight from Hinchinbrook Island to Kenai (PAEN)!

Leaving the Arm and heading towards Kenai, hit 4G of turbulence, banged my head on the canopy!

24Kt with 30 kt Gusts direct 85 degree x-wind decided Kenai wasn't going to work, checked with Soldotna, AK (PASX) winds were down the runway at 12kt-decided to park there instead of Kenai. What a day trip!

Best regards,
Mike Bauer
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Good memories

Enjoyed your short video clips very much Mike! What a great memories. Coastal mountains are spectacular this is my 2014 views of Mt Fairweather.

PS; There will be a clandestine operation north of your woods in July 2019. Three ships will be heading westbound toward ADIZ you are welcome to intercept. :)
Internet Upgrade

You must be pretty busy to just be posting this now! Ha! Very cool videos Mike.

Hi Rockwood,

Upgraded my internet, old connection, couldn't watch videos or upload.

After the upgrade started watching some posted here, finally decided to upload these.
Best regards,
Mike Bauer
Enjoyed your short video clips very much Mike! What a great memories. Coastal mountains are spectacular this is my 2014 views of Mt Fairweather.

PS; There will be a clandestine operation north of your woods in July 2019. Three ships will be heading westbound toward ADIZ you are welcome to intercept. :)

Hi Vlad,

Fantastic photos! I see you like to fly "way" out over the water!

Invasion? July 2019? Year early? I'll be here on full alert!

Planning on hedge hopping down south myself, plan is for last week of May thru first two weeks of June.

However that might change, at work my manager just gave notice. I've been recommended as the replacement, if so will be training new person to take my position, if I'm hired for the position.

Best regards,
Mike Bauer

Invasion? July 2019? Year early? I'll be here on full alert!


at work my manager just gave notice. I've been recommended as the replacement....

Yes, I am assembling a caravan.:D

If you show up down South as you previously planned I will be still here and meet you. If not climb that career ladder more gas money. And see you soon Mike... in new paint scheme. :)

Yes, I am assembling a caravan.:D

If you show up down South as you previously planned I will be still here and meet you. If not climb that career ladder more gas money. And see you soon Mike... in new paint scheme. :)

Ok, I'm curious: North of me, what is the new destination?

Capt John and Markam visit had me in Talkeetna (North)watching Lulu and talking with the owner of the Fairview about past polictical Alaska stuff! Next thing I knew was the bar tender started paying special attention to us... You'd almost think the owner had never crossed the bar to carry on a conversation...Oh, I'm not even going to mention how a 30-y/o got me on the dance floor......

I can only guess what trouble a SU 24 Fencer driver is going to get me into!

Best regards,
Mike Bauer
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Who did the pre-buy inspection in Boise ID? I need someone there, as I am in NY

Hi Tony,

Replied to your PM.

Only person I know that might be able to help is Rockwoodrv9, he has since moved, but mentioned several local RV's located in Caldwell/Nampa area.

Good luck with your search.

Well worth the price to have them checked out before buying.

Best regards,
Mike Bauer