Well Known Member
I will be in Australia most of November and am considering a move. I have a few obligations but would like to meet to discuss the movement of an RV-3 to Oz and my legal obligations to meet with an airworthy aircraft. I suspect they are more rigid than here in the US. My trip covers Sydney to Townsville, Adelaide and Perth. I am aware of the concentration of RV is Albany and am considering the airpark in Denmark. Thanks.
Denmark Airport and RV's

Hi Mark

If you make it down to Denmark (about a 4 hour drive south of Perth) then make contact with me. There are a couple of RV's at Denmark - my RV7A and an RV4. Lots of RV's over at Albany too and more in the area.

Happy to meet up with you and show you around the airport and give you some information on the area.

Its a nice area to live, but the weather here does limit our flying days at times.


Moving rv to Australia

Should be no trouble moving your RV to Aussie...and getting it certified....We have members on Gold Coast who have imported RVs...and our local Chapter AP has overseen the certification...
Hi Mark,

I live in North West Sydney and my RV7 is based south of Sydney, We have many SAAA chapters in the Sydney basin (Sport Aircraft Association of Australia) and I'd be happy to meet up with you if time allows.

Please get intouch via my personal email (eddie dot seve at yahoo dot com)
