
I'm New Here
Long time listener, first time caller, love the show.

My name is Matt, and I'm a filmmaker based in Brisbane. I'm hoping to find an RV pilot who flies aerobatics who might be interested in being interviewed for a short personal project. I'd be looking to also get some aerial footage as well (unfortunately I can't afford a chopper with Cineflex, so will settle for GoPros in the cockpit ;) ).
I'd preferably like to find someone either at YRED or YCAB as I live in the northern suburbs, but am happy to travel anywhere from Sunshine Coast to Byron Bay.
I'd also be hoping to shoot within the next fortnight.

If you are interested and available, let me know and I'll give you some more details.

RV....Aerobatics S/E Qld.. have a bunch of Rvs down at Mason Field Southport..Gold Coast...and some very good aerobatic pilots.....Contact Ch 19 SAAA c/- Southport Flying Club....or call me 0414960872 Stan Sec Ch 19 SAAA.. have a bunch of Rvs down at Mason Field Southport..Gold Coast...and some very good aerobatic pilots.....Contact Ch 19 SAAA c/- Southport Flying Club....or call me 0414960872 Stan Sec Ch 19 SAAA..

Hi Stan, We came to visit (by car as the club doesn't like fly in visitors) YSPT at the end of December, but the place was all locked up. It doesn't look like the flying club is really interested in having guest there. A fellow was being turned away from doing some kind of reporting as they wanted $5m personal liability insurance to go past the fence.

I have read through the South Port Flying club's membership documents. Do they really back up the objectives of the club "Encourage and promote the flying of aircraft for the purpose of sport and recreation and promote safety
and airmanship."

I was just looking for somewhere to land close to family, but it seems like a pretty closed group.