Joe Parish

Well Known Member
New to fiberglass, want to make a plenum for 0320 on RV-9. How much epoxy do I need? It will be approximately 30” x 20”.

They have high temp epoxy and Sorec for the strength material in the plenum. A gallon will be more than enough. This epoxy will be good for all other glass work on the plane. Good company, good prices and great service. I used this epoxy to make my plenum. Used the top of the cowl as a mold for the top of the plenum.
Download this file from my blog.
I can't take credit for the epoxy calculation. My Mentor, Dave, is a genius.
I did put the math into a spreadsheet. It works great. Virtually no waste unless you want additional.

Great spreadsheet. When I do carbon fiber I just use the same mass of resin as the cloth I lay up and that works pretty well to get the cloth fully wetted. So I cut the bids then weigh them and that is how much resin I plan on using. The problem with that is that West resin is mixed by volume if you use the pumps and it is an extra step to weigh it. My method probably would not work for glass.