
doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
This past Friday I was offered a part time right seat gig a couple mornings a week at a local DFW simulator in their Embraer Phenom 100/300 program. Maybe the occasional evening. This to aid in my lifelong quest for continuous family food and shelter, and hopefully some retirement. So this will be concurrently-running job #3 (VAF 80%, PC-12NG side work 5%, Sim 15%). The life of a self employed person is never dull <g>.

The second 'interview' was 0700 Friday in the sim complete with V1 cut and ILS - managed not to embarrass myself too badly (first V1 cut in a modern sim). Exciting stuff! The Caravan side jobs last year laid great groundwork.


If I'm honest, our family's RV-6 glass panel really did help prepare me for this - a LOT of that Phenom panel felt very familiar. I thought he was crazy when two years ago a friend said if that I got my instrument and commercial in my RV I could easily get side work. I guess all this is food for thought if you're living in the movie 'Office Space' like I was back in the day. I very much did use my RV, which I thought was a hobby for years and years, as a vehicle to take a sort of career side tangent. Another unintended consequence of getting into the world's greatest hobby!!! You never know where RVs will lead ;^).

This sim side gig should not affect VAF in any way, but it will give me possible side work opportunities down the road (you can 'cash in' 80 sim sessions for a PIC type rating). Self-employed long enough to jump at those things that reduce financial and career risk. Grateful and Blessed. Grateful and Blessed.

Hope you had a wonderful RV weekend.

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Congratulations DR!

Congratulations, that is fantastic! You will continue learning much in ?the box? and I am sure it will lead you to even more opportunities.

Now you will learn all the hacks for the glass cockpits.

I dont want to see you writing special code. Like on Star Trek when Captain Kirk hacked the ?Unwinnable Sim? to win.
Congratulations Doug!

I fly the Phenom 100 and 300 for Airshare. I?m sure you will get to fly the sim with some of our pilots. I come down for training usually in June and December. I hope to see you there.

That is awesome Doug! I can relate as I am working toward similar side hustle gigs. Music has been great but I really enjoy the challenge of flying new aircraft I can't or won't afford for myself. Got some right seat in a CJ3+ this year. Mostly as the pilot monitoring but got to be the pilot flying on 4 legs. Flew the new Vision Jet too. Old dogs can learn new tricks.

All the best in your new adventures :)