
I will be visiting Coonabarabran (90 minute drive N of Dubbo / 7 hours W of Sydney) the first week of April. Are there any RVators who would be willing to give me a flight in exchange for fuel and lunch? I believe there is an airport nearby or I would be willing to drive a couple of hours.

I live outside Washington, DC. I have an RV-6A that I first flew in 2002. Currently have 1500 hours on it. Never flown in Australia.


Cant help you in Coonabarabran, but if you're spending any time in Sydney while in transit I would be happy to take you flying in our RV-6A.
Hi Randy

Coonabarabran does have an airport, so I hope that someone in that area puts their hand up.

You are about 190nm away from us, as Mal said if you get closer to Sydney please get in touch.

eddie dot seve @ yahoo dot com

If your really desperate and would like to cover fuel for the return trip Sydney to Coonabarabra let me know.

Friday April 1?

My flight arrives in Sydney early in the morning on March 31. I take the train out of Sydney Saturday morning the 2nd. I will probably be zonked the first day, but Friday April 1 would be great, if that works out for you guys.

Cheers, Randy