Robert M

Well Known Member
Hi gang!

The D-180 is out and in use (I gotta believe) in some aircraft. What I am looking for is some feedback on how well it has performed, what features are being used, what features haven't been used and why? Also I would like to know what has been placed in the panel as "electrical failure" backup?

Right now, that single unit trips my trigger! I'm probably 4 - 5 years from installation and who knows what might happen between now and then but right now - mmmmmmm, I like it.

You can get an internal battery backup for the D180, so it will run for at least an hour after your master power fails with all the EFIS and EMS readings still active.
dynonsupport said:

You can get an internal battery backup for the D180, so it will run for at least an hour after your master power fails with all the EFIS and EMS readings still active.

Thanks for the info. I had read that about the battery backup on your site. For now, (or more accuratley when the plane gets flying), I will only be flying day/night VFR so the one hour is more than plenty of time to get my plane on the ground.

I know of two people that have purchased the D-180 at the same airport I'm at but neither of them are flying yet - soon I hope.
screen brightness

one comment I've heard is the new, brighter screens are a must. am also leaning heavily toward the -180 and hope to hear reports from the field as to their utility.
I've heard of the backlighting going out on LCD screens. It was on a laptop, but I expect the same thing can happen to an EFIS or EMS. If that happens, the screen will go completely dark. Something to think about when considering backup instruments.
The D100 series uses two independent backlights. If one fails, the other still works and you get a 1/2 brightness screen.

It's a complex piece of electronics like all EFIS units are, so you should always consider complete failure as a possibility and decide what you need as a backup.

We have a forum on our site as well, so you may want to ask your question there and get some more responses: