
I'm New Here
Hello everyone,

I am a new builder of an RV-14A and just getting started.

I read other threads here about the primers to use and decided to go with the SW 988 for now. Today I called the West Palm Beach SW store mentioned in another thread and the guy who answered said they use to make it but have stopped making it a while ago. Given the threads I see talking about the 988 are several years old I am inclined to believe him and give up on that primer.

Has anyone here bought that primer recently? If so, where from ? If not, is there another recommendation for the spray can primer I can use instead ? I saw U-pol makes self-etching primers for automotive parts and wondered if that would also work here.

Thanks in advance for any help.

SW 988 was too hard to find.

I switched to SEM for my last 3 builds, no regrets. The adhesion to bare and lightly scuffed aluminum is much better than 988.

I agree, I am using P60G2 but you really do need a rattle can solution every now and then. I tried Napa 7220 and it was fine, but the SEM Self Etching primer adheres better I think.
I’ve been using the NAPA7220 on my -10 build and have been pleased with it for a rattle can solution. Good prep is a must no matter the choice you make.