
Well Known Member
Is there any RV activity in the DC-Annapolis area? I'll be moving to the area and about 10 months with my 50% complete RV-3. I've been Google Earthing the area from DC to Annapolis and I'm having trouble finding airports with hangers. :( I hope I'm not screwed.
Good community, difficult hanger options

I was in a similiar position last spring and there was quite a discussion that proved helpful. See http://www.vansairforce.com/community/showthread.php?t=15450. There is a vital RV community around here but the hanger situation is challenging. However, I have had several options made available, all discovered directly or indirectly through the RV community and this website. However, I ended up living in northern Virginia because there seemed to be better hanger options than in Maryland.

I expect that you will hear from some of the more knowledgable folks about the area. But, bottomline, it seems there are always hangers available if you either have lots of money or establish yourself with the local pilots and let them look out for you. You're off on the right step by posting on the VAF forums!
Bay Bridge (W29)


Lots of aviating going on in the DC area, but being born and raised a Marylander, I can tell you that it is one sided - in that the aviation activity in northern VA in my estimation is about triple that of Maryland burbs of DC.

Annapolis is a beautiful place to live though. Your options are basically limited to either Lee Airport (ANP) or Bay Bridge Airport (W29). Bay Bridge is just outside of the new ADIZ, which is better and only takes a few more minutes over the bridge.


If you are willing to travel farther, you have more options on the Eastern Shore, but that can be a haul, especially with summer traffic going to Ocean City.

Welcome to DC,

Wow thats a scary thread. So how much of a pain is the ADIZ and is it worth driving over the bay bridge to avoid? Also, what is the traffic situation over the bridge like? Ill be working in Hyattsville and I would like to limit my commute to work to about 40 mins. I would also like to limit the commute to my plane to about 20 mins from home and and 1 hour from work. It looks like Lee, Bay Bridge, Freeway, and Suburban are my only 4 options. Hmmmm...my head is starting to hurt :( . Anyone want to share a hanger? You wont even notice my tiny 3 in the corner.
ADIZ a pain - yes and no...

It depends on your temperment. The FRZ is another matter, but the ADIZ is really not that big of a deal, but dealing with FSS and ATC just sucks some of the fun out of it for me and I am glad I am just outside the ADIZ.

As long as you are prepared to file a flight plan (mention it is an ADIZ flight plan) for every flight into and out of the ADIZ (you can file egress and ingress at the same time) and deal with Potomac Approach that's really all there is to it. A flight plan and positive control by ATC until you exit the ADIZ - that's it. Same for return. Also, once cleared to enter the ADIZ it is not clearance to the Class B - that clearance you have to ask for separately.

The problem is that everyone realizes the ADIZ is a joke, ATC included, but they are forced to take it seriously because they have to - it's their job. I can't fault them for that. You just better not screw up or they will slap your hand. I know a lotta guys that had their hand slapped.

With that in mind be sure and operate with the best GPS you can afford - better have a moving map with airspace at a minimum. A 396/496 with the ADIZ and FRZ and TFR's on there is even better. You don't want to make any navigational errors near that airspace or you'll be saying hello to a Blackhawk or getting the dreaded call from some FBO. "Please come in, we have a number for you to call." If you ever have an issue - don't forget the golden ticket out of a full violation - an ASAR's (aka NASA) Report.

Or you could hangar on the other side of the bay bridge and not bother with any of it.

All of that said, the DC area has a lot to offer, we have mountains, big rivers, the bay, the ocean, lots of history, all within an easy RV-3 flight.

Welcome to the land of the beltway bandits!

rph142 said:
Wow thats a scary thread. So how much of a pain is the ADIZ and is it worth driving over the bay bridge to avoid? Also, what is the traffic situation over the bridge like? Ill be working in Hyattsville and I would like to limit my commute to work to about 40 mins. I would also like to limit the commute to my plane to about 20 mins from home and and 1 hour from work. It looks like Lee, Bay Bridge, Freeway, and Suburban are my only 4 options. Hmmmm...my head is starting to hurt :( . Anyone want to share a hanger? You wont even notice my tiny 3 in the corner.


If you need a hanger you will probably be out of luck at all four of these airports. I know that Suburban and Tipton (right next to Suburban) do not have hangers. I believe that the other three you mentioned also do not have hangers. Lee has carport style structures.

You should avoid driving across the Bay Bridge as the traffic and tolls will fustrate you to no end. Trying to go home from work on summer Fridays afternoons will take you forever. Northern VA should also be a No-No. Rule of thumb for the entire DC area is to Avoid ALL Bridges!

For working in Hyattsville and wanting to live within 40min of work you may be better off looking north to Gaithersburg. Hanger availablilty here is sporadic but I know the guy that leases them out. The other option would be living south of Hyattsville and basing your plane at Potomac.

Don't worry about the ADIZ. Once you file a plan or two you'll get used to it just like we do. Just file a flight plan, squawk a code and talk to ATC. I am so not worried about it that I will be flight testing my RV in it over GAI my home airport and expect no problems.

I sure hope you have a chance to check out the area before you decide anything. If so get a hold of me or any of the others living in the area to give you a tour.

Good Luck,
Mike R.
Private runway?

I think I saw an AD in TAP in the Real Estate section of a home for sale in MD on a private strip. Seemed it was in the 300's.
Might be worth a look see.
Good Luck
We moved here from the Dallas area a couple of years ago......now we're on the other side of the bay from Annapolis - Laurel, DE. Hangars are few and far between.
I'm finishing a 6A slider, stop on by.....
Thanks everyone

Thanks for the help everyone. I'll be moving to the area in 8/08 so I have some time to think. I just put myself on the wait list at Patomac and I' m going to try to do the same at the other airports. The owner of Patomac airport said "Finding a hanger in MD is like finding an apartment in NYC; you need to hang around funerals."