
Well Known Member
These are just MY impressions....your mileage may vary :)

The AFS primer/sealer (yes, it's an honest to God sealer) seems to work really well, and it goes on really easy, and cleanup is a snap. Totally recommended. That said, I recently switched to AKZO epoxy primer.

The ONLY reason I switched, because I think they both give WAY more corrosion protection than any plane could ever need, is that I'm a bit of a klutz in the shop. I've found that if I drop a rib, or miss with the bucking bar (or something like that), the AFS scratches off a bit easier than the AKZO. I'm not saying the AFS isn't tough...it is. The AKZO is tougher, though, and with my 10 thumbs I need all the help I can get :)

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az_gila said:
Does the AFS pass the "wipe with acetone" test?

gil A

Hmmmmm.....I've never tried wiping it with acetone. I know it will come off with MEK. It says so on their website. Either way, I can't remember the last time it's rained acetone, even where I live in Southern California :) I wouldn't loose any sleep over it unless your home base happens to be on Venus, or something like that.

I guess my whole point was that they're both great products, and both go on nicely. I just wanted to share my experience because I know I went back and forth for a while on which one to use. I'm sure others might be going through the same thing.

For me, the AKZO works better (as would any epoxy primer, I would guess). For painting the EXTERIOR, I'll almost certainly go with something else (probably AFS products). Maybe in 6 months when I'm better at it, and not scratching things up as much, I'll switch back to the AFS.

Too bad I can't just cover the whole thing in Monokote....

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Actually the acetone I was talking about was for internally cleaning surfaces during your construction....
Such as removing Sharpie pen notes...:)

This is one of the big pluses for AKZO (and other epoxy based materials)

gil A ...not moving to Venus...
I've AKZO'd everything since day one and love the stuff. Out of all the primer and paint products in my shop, this stuff is my favorite. Easy 50/50 mix, quick drying and totally everything proof once cured. The only downside is if you ever need to remove it you'll be there a while (don't ask).

Steve Zicree
Paint over AKZO

I've heard that paint doesn't stick to AKZO. Anyone have any experience in this regard?
The stuff sure is durable. Hard to scratch and doesn't come off with acetone or mek.
The stuff is designed to be solvent proof so paint doesn't bite into it. I've had good luck if I scuff it real good first. I definitely wouldn't use it on the exterior though.

Steve Zicree

szicree said:
The stuff is designed to be solvent proof so paint doesn't bite into it. I've had good luck if I scuff it real good first. I definitely wouldn't use it on the exterior though.
If you want a nice topcoat to stick to it then you need to paint the topcoat fairly quickly after painting the primer. If you don't, then AKZO has procedures for getting paint to stick to it.
rv8ch said:
If you want a nice topcoat to stick to it then you need to paint the topcoat fairly quickly after painting the primer. If you don't, then AKZO has procedures for getting paint to stick to it.

Any idea where I could get those procedures? I didn't find their website to be all that user friendly.

Akzo primer prep

I spoke to the guys in Holland on the phone - they were quite helpful. I'm sure the guys in Waukegan are probably real helpful too. I checked to make sure when I do the topcoat I won't have any problems where I've primed with akzo.

The exact procedure will depend on the topcoat more than the primer. Generally speaking, IIRC, it was basically clean, scuff, clean, paint. They told me that since it is an epoxy paint, it really does not react with any of the topcoats, so there should not be a problem. Clearly it's best to check with them and the topcoat supplier.