
Well Known Member
In late May/early June I flew the RV in a big clock-wise circle out west, starting in Maryland. It was a great trip, logging 66 hours. I was lucky with the weather and the plane ran perfectly. The scenery was awesome but I took way too many pictures. Click the following link to see my trip web log. Link There is a Best Of link to see the top 70 pictures or you can go through the detailed play-by-play. We certainly have a beautiful country and the RV is a magical flying carpet to see it.



Following the Red River with Texas to the south and Oklahoma to the north.


The Totem Pole in Monument Valley.


Rainbow Bridge by Lake Powell


Speed trail at the Bonneville Salt Flats


Big Creek Airport, Idaho


The Chinese Wall in the Bob Marshall wilderness area in Montana.


The Grand Prismatic Spring, Yellowstone NP


Mount Rushmore, South Dakota
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Thank you

It is posts like this that show how much I have never actually seen in this great country of ours.

Thank you for sharing.
What a great trip! I would love to do something similar, picking up the last few states in the lower 48 I have missed. Did you have to deal with any covid issues?

I appreciated reading your flight blog. You must be really good at shooting photos while flying by now! Appreciate you putting in the work and sharing.
Quit telling everyone how great it is here "out west" or we will have an influx!!!! Wait..... isn't that what the Indians (er- first nations people) felt???
Bill, your trip reports motivated me to finish my 3B many years ago and now it looks like they're going to be motivation to finish my -7! Great write up.

I opted for the whole trip blog and took most of two days!!!!!!!!!!!! It was fantastically done and the best trip report I have ever seen. After making and selling my Sonex after 400 hours and 4 years, I decided at age 78 to buy an RV-9A in Yakima and flew it home to SC. My first gas stop was at one of your stops in Payette Idaho and my Second stop was at Huntington Utah, another airport you stopped at. Great stuff.
Hey what gives? You say you went out West. I live in the West coast states (Washington) and you never even got to the Western 3 states. But that said I like the write up.
Thanks Art

Hey what gives? You say you went out West. I live in the West coast states (Washington) and you never even got to the Western 3 states. But that said I like the write up.
Thanks Art

Nor California! Liked the write-up, but you cut school by not hitting the western (3) States, what Art said. Looks like you need to have a clean-up session;)